This Establishment is the extremely initial Open University in Asia. The AIOU Lahore Admission section establishment is an exceptional institution in Pakistan for the objective that of its doctrine, method, method, functions and popular structure. This Institution with its crucial campus at Islamabad and the large network of nearby shelving units dispersed all over the country is offering it’s potential customers close to Pakistan and in the Middle East.
AIOU Lahore Admission 2021 Last Date
- Balochistan
- Sind Province
- Punjab
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Northern Areas/Federal Areas/AJK
AIOU Lahore Admission 2021:
Admission Procedure:
The study is planned on an altered semester system. The academics year is split into 2 semesters mainly Spring and Autumn. General education and functional programs are demonstrated in each semester. Ph. D, M. Phil, M. Sc/MA and Teacher Education Programmes i. e. PTC, CT, B. Ed., M. Ed. are publicised once a year. The study period for each semester ordinarily endures 18 weeks, plus 2 weeks for an agreement for an exam.
Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore Admission 2021, Dear students you require to Agree your admission at “Application Acceptance” link.
If Admission is not viewed then verify “Objectionable Forms” if there is any objection to your application form
If no info is found at equal links then acquire an application form and email to adms@aiou. edu. pk or publish to.
- 55F First Floor Shama Plaza, Ichra Lahore 54000
- (0)321 4275156
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. Hope you will get helpful information from here. We provide the best information about Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore 2021.
Official Website: Allama Iqbal Open University Lahore
Founded: 1974
Type: Public
I wanna apply for admission in First Year
You have want to get admission in which course like Pre-Engineering, Pre-Medical or I.Com.
regards, from
my bro pass matric and he want to get admiision in F.A .. is admission are open or close??? please guide me.. and also tell me the fee struture of f.a…
Admission are closed now. You will not apply for admission in FA.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want information about admission open or close plzz reply me
Admission are close now from 30 Sep.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i wana information about Admission which are starting or not ?????
i want to take admission in M.A arabic. what is the procedure and what is the fee structure?
what are the admission opening for it and what should i must do for it?
BA 2nd Division with arabic as a elective subject or BA 2nd Division with Fazal Arabic or BA 2nd Division with Shahad-e-Alamia. Duration of course is 2 year and 10 credit hours included during whole study.
Regards, Admin From
i want to get admission in ba as a private candidate……plzz tell me about the procedure..
i want 2 get admission in 1st yesr as a private candidate in arts subjects..kindly let me know about the subjects and the procedure?
ok Shall find
Main or mary sis FA or BA main admission Lana chat I chain admissions kab ho gay yes me information chahia
Currenlty admission wil be closed now. Last Date of Spring Admission in AIOU is 15 FEB.
Regards, Admin From
I wana admit in bba or ba
i did fsc frm isl after dat shftd to khi do b
com bt couldnt cmplete it nw i wnt to cntnue kindly tell me abt da procedure n fee structre plz
I wanna know abt the admission in MBA plz can u let me know the procedure plz thnx
You would like to get admission in which MBA. There is total three MBAs offered by AIOU.
1-MBA in Marketing and HRM
2.MBA in Banking and Finance
3. MBA Execuctive
Select the one and than I will inform you.
Duration of this course is 5 Year, Total fee is 65000
Eligibility for this course is H.S.C with Englihs and Math/Business Math/ Statics/ Economics/ Book Keeping/ Accountancy/ Computer/ Element of Accountancy / Biology
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I want to get Admission In F.A. I am doing job out of station so if is possible that i fill the form and do my study.?
Last Date of Form Submission 5th SEP.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
One of my cousins want to get admission in B.A Mass Communications 2014 program. Please tell me when is the last date for admission and what are teh requirements for it?? Thanks.
Last Date of Form Submission 5th September. You must have 50% marks in FA/FSC for admission in B.A Mass Communication.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want details of b.ed program admission open or not ??
B.ED Admission area closed now. Spring Admission should be announced in the month of Feb/March.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Salam! Sir I wanna get admission in M.A English as a private candidate plz tell me procedure , fee structure and eligibility ???? Plz tell me last date of form submittion.
M.A English is not offered by AIOU
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
hello sir agr matric mai kisi ki supply a gai ha lahore board se to kya admission ho jay ga??????plz sir rply me
No, you first pass the previous academics for getting admission in FA, FSC.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to take admission in b.a what the procedure and how i do for this tell me hurrily please its urgent
Yes, you apply for admission in B.A. Admission date should be updated on the post.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to get admission in ca. has there classes of ca ‘ aiso tell who to apply
Currently new admission will be announced. But not for CA.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir,mai allma iqal open uni say b.a karna cahti hou lahore board say kaysay addmition karvaou site pay jo phone no hai office ka wo click nahi houta busy no ata hai uni kahan hai lahore mein in ki?
Important Admission Date for Ph.D, MS/MPhil, MSC, MBA, MA, Post Graduate Diploma, Bachelor Programs, Associate Degree, Short Term, Technical and Vocational Certficates, Certificate Courses, Darsy-Nizami, Teaching Training Program,HSSC Science, HSSC General
Admission Start from 20 Sep
Last Date of Form Submission 30 Sep
Get Admission Form in payment of Rs 100 for Matric, Rs 200 for Intermediate, PTC, B.Com, Rs 500 from Postgraduate, B.Ed.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to a admission in b.a
But currently are closed now for B.A
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir ab hm kb apply kr skty h bachelor program me????? bscs ya phr b.a me???? please tel me
Currently, admission are closed now for BS. When admission announced then we have updated on the website. Spring admission should be expected in the month of Jan/Feb.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to know that when admissions will be open of F.A
Spring Admission will be announced in the month Jan.Feb.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want admission in M.A mass comm can u.tell me the details of fee structure and admission date.Thanks
Admission Date for MSc Mass Communication will be announced in the month of Jan/Feb.
Fee Structure for Msc Mass Communication:
Registration Fee Rs 200
Fee of Half Credit Course Rs 1840
Total Credit Hours 60
Fee of 1 Credit Course Rs 36,80
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i am intermediate in humanities, can i get admission in may be it is a stupid question but plz forgive & need your reply thanx
Yes, you will apply for admission in B.COM. When new admission announced then we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Plz tell me when admtn open ….for f.a and b.a..nd matric…
New Admission will be open in Jan/Feb 2105.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
1st year admition open ….
i want to admission in b.a part 1
Dear sir,I Want admission in Bsc I.T.Plz tell me when admission open
am wana admission in M.phil zoloogy ,,plz tell me…about admission forms and…. criteria of admission plz….i have 2.47 cgp in bs zoology . so want to know that am able to apply
Kindly tell me what is the fee of MA special education in private sector?? Nd which date of august admission will start? ?
i want to do BSCS from open university lahore campus