DNMC Bangladesh inherits her marvelous forerunners the Dhaka National Medical Institute, which was founded in 1925 as a aspect of Non-Cooperation Motion of the Indian Sub-continent versus the British Colonial Rule arranged jointly by the Indian National Congress and the Indian Muslim League under the Management of Mahatma Gandhi, Mawlana, Muhammad Ali and Mawlana Sawkat Ali.
- Department of Anatomy
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Biochemistry
- Department of Community Medicine
- Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Forensic Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Cardiology
- Department of Paediatrics
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Otolaryngology (ENT)
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Department of Skin & VD
- Department of Radiology & Imaging
- Department of Anaesthesiology
- Department of Dentistry
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Dhaka National Medical College Admission 2022-23[/box]
Admission for MBBS
DNMC Bangladesh gives 5 years MBBS course authorized by the Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council, contributing to MBBS degree of the University of Dhaka and 1 year internship coaching at Dhaka National Medical Institute Hospital.
The objective of DNMC Bangladesh is to give an outstanding broad structured education with a concentrate on specialized advancement for the students to provide them with knowledge, skill and mind-set essential not only to address the goal health difficulties of the community but also to obtain a firm basis for potential training and reports.
DNMC Bangladesh is determined to assure excessive academics ordinary by employing a well developed curricula, utilizing present day and successful instructional strategies and supports such as information technology, offering the correct atmosphere for faculty development and by frequently supervising and carefully analysis all the signals and systems.

During the 5 years MBBS course, the University of Dhaka will carry out 3 specialized exams namely i) The 1st Specialized MBBS Exam at the end of 1 ½ years. ii) The 2nd Specialized MBBS Exam at the end of 3 ½ years. Iii) The Final Professional MBBS Exam at the end of 5 years. There will be 2 Professional Exams in the 1st week of January and July in each year.
Admission Procedure
- Admission check into MBBS course will be executed by Directorate General of Health services (DGHS) Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
- Admission into DNMC Bangladesh will be executed as a guidelines & rules set by the DGHS.
- The applicants should fill out an application for admission in a approved application form.
- Admission form for admission into DNMC Bangladesh can be compiled during the office hour (9. 00 a. m. to 1. 00 p. m. )#) with a non-refundable fees Tk. 1, 200/- from the college office and also from the college web page.
- Meritorious & bad student’s quota will be packed up as per regulations of DGHS.
- Brother or sister of the freedom fighters will be preferred as per selection of DGHS.
- One’s applied for meritorious & bad quota and independence fighters quota can’t be altered to common quota or vice versa.
- DNMC Bangladesh authority will make a merit list of the applicants and the list will be hang up in the college observe board in owing period.
- No applicant will be granted to get entrance after the stipulated date & time.
Courses offered and Affiliation
DNMC Bangladesh gives five years MBBS course authorized by BM&DC contributing to MBBS degree of the University of Dhaka. DNMC Bangladesh has been accepted agreement of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is associated with the University of Dhaka and known by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council also enlisted in WHO Directory of medical institutions.
Academic Performance
The educational efficiency of the students of Dhaka National Medical College in distinct Specialized Exams below the University of Dhaka is hugely acceptable. So far commencing from May 2001 to January 2011 the full member of 670 Medical Students of 12 Batches exceeded Finalized MBBS Exam from the Dhaka National Medical College.
Admission Details for International Students
25% seats are accessible for international students in this consider we observe the guidelines and rules laid down by the University of Dhaka BM&DC and the Directorate General of Health Services. Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
DNMC Fee Structure:
- Admission Fee: Tk. 15,70,000
- Per Month Fee: Tk. 8,000
Contact Us:
Dhaka National Medical College, 53/1, Johnson Road, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
Phone Number: +88 02 7118272, 7163853-4, 7121023-4
Fax Number: +88 02 7163852
Email ID: [email protected], [email protected]
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Dhaka National Medical College Admission 2022-23.
Official Site: www.dnmc.edu.bd
Type: Private
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