Doctor of medicine is a degree for physicians and surgeons. Some countries have this as a professional degree after obtaining 90 to 120 credit hours of university level work. In Pakistan it is known as MBBS (bachelors of medicine and bachelor of surgery). It is a basic medical degree awarded after 5 years of study. First 2 years contains the study of basic science subjects whereas the remaining 3 years comprises clinical internships and medicine surgery courses.
Degree Duration of Medicine Course in Pakistan
During initial 2 years the students read the subjects of basic science that includes biochemistry, anatomy and physiology, along with emphasis particularly on human anatomy. After three years of clinical internships and courses of surgery, the student needs to work 1 year under the supervision of a professor to be awarded with degree and license to practice. In this way the total duration of MBBS degree becomes 6 years.
Doctor Of Medicine Course In Pakistan
For specialization the candidate needs to pass out a FCPS (Fellow of college of physician and surgery) exam-1, in the field he or she wants to be specialized and perform internship of 3 to 6 years in respective field. After completing internship one needs to take the exam-2 of FCPS that includes practical exams. After completing these all exams successfully the candidate is awarded by the relevant specialty field.
Respective Council:
The council that takes all policy decisions and look after the matters related to medical colleges and degree is Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. The meetings of the council are charge by the president of the council. During the absence of president vice president are to be considered as to take charge of the meetings.
Universities Offering MBBS degree:
In Pakistan there are about 28 universities that are offering degrees in medical and dental fields. These are recognized by HEC as well as PMDC. These universities also offer affiliations to others colleges and DAI’s (Degree awarding Institutes). About 90 medical universities, colleges and DAI’s are listed in international directory of medical colleges by FAIMER. Degree of medicine and surgery are offered by many universities, colleges and DAI’s. These are recognized by PMDC which is the council that deals all matters related to medical institutes and degree. The council is also responsible to verify international medical degrees.
Top 10 Medical Colleges In Pakistan
In Pakistan doctor of medicine degree is known as MBBS (bachelors of medicine and bachelors of surgery). It is about 5 to 6 years degree and after that student need an authority license from the PMDC (Pakistan Medical and Dental Council) to start his or her practice as a doctor.
I was looking for FCPS info., Thanks for sharing brief info.
I want all cources that PU offers for medical students
sir i m an arts student from P.U please tell me that how i can get admission in medical collage
Arts are not allowed to apply in Medical College.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Slam any course in medical for arts?
Student having Matric with Arts should proceed for only one course in Medical which Midwifery Course. Which is offered by medical public hospitals. But if you have matric with science then it should be highly preferable for you.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
marks in matric 885 Fsc. 699 and Mcat 320 guide me plz in which medical college admission is possible.
Dear, if you have marks above then 800 marks then will get admission in medical college.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir i have done doctor of phrmaacy and trying to aply for MD
WHAT WILL BE its requiremnts plz guide me
Eligibility for MD:
1. MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized with PM& DC
2. Having Valid certificate of PM & DC .
3. Having one year house job diploma before the start of training.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir can i get admission in MD after fsc in pakistan
Sir i want information i want to get addmission in dpharmacy in private medical college how many marks required to get addmission and about univesities or medical colleges?
i hve done bems can i do md ?