Dow University of Health Sciences has announced teaching and studying methodology which makes it possible for students to come to be competent life long scholars. DUHS Karachi aims for its students to acquire better communication abilities to converse with their patients and get ready its students for a meritorious professional career.
Important 2020 Admission Date for Ph.D & M.Phil Basic Medical Sciencs, Pharmaceutical Sciences, MSc in Dental Surgery, Master in Dental Surgery, MPH, MSN, MSc in Diabetes & Endocrinology, MSPT, MS-TMTT
- Last Date of Form Submission Sep 05
- Entry Test Sep 29
- Get Admission Form on payment of Rs 3000/-.
DOW University of Health Sciences Admission 2020 Last Date
Important 2020 Admission Date for Clinical Research Certified Professional Course
- Last Date of Form Submission 27th June
- Duration; 15th June
- Beginning of Classes 26th July
- Course Fee: Rs 25,000/-
- Application Form should Rs 500/- in favour of “CTU-DUHS”
Important 2020 Admission Date for Postgraduate Course FCPS-II & Radiology Certificate Course
- Last Date of Form Submission 5th June
- Entry Test 15th June
- Get Admission Form on payment of Rs 3000/- payable to UBL Baba-e-Urdu Road Branch.
Important 2020 Admission Date for Diploma in CT Technology, Diploma in MRI Technology
- Last Date of Form Submission 5th June
- Entry Test 16 June
- Get Admission Form on payment of Rs 2000/- from UBL Baba-e-Urdu
- Anaesthesiology
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Cardiology
- Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)
- Community Medicine
- Dermatology
- E.N.T Department
- Food Lab
- Forensic Medicine
- Infections Diseases/Isolation
- Information Technology
- Institute of Nursing
- Maxillo-Facial Surgery
- Medicine Department
- Neuro Surgery
- Neurology
- Obs & Gynae
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedics
- Paediatric Cardiology
- Paediatric Surgery Department
- Paediatrics Department
- Pathology Department
- Pharma Lab
- Pharmacology Department
- Pharmacuetical Chemistry
- Physiology
- Plastic Surgery
- Professional Development Centre
- Psychiatry
- Pulmonology
- Quality Enhancement Cell
- Radiology
- Research Department
- Sarwer Zuberi Liver Center
- Surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Vascular Surgery
Dow University Admission Form and Procedure
Download Dow University admission form
- Admissions in Doctor of Pharmacy(Pharm-D) AT Dow College of Pharmacy Session 2012
- Admissions In Institute of Medical Technology (IMT) Session 2015 DUHS Karachi, Karachi Medical Technology, Dental Technology, Postgraduate Certificate Program
- Admissions In Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (IPMR) Session 2015 DUHS Karachi Doctor of Physiotheraphy (DPT) BS (Occupational Therapy, Orthosis & Prosthesis)
- Admissions Postgraduate Programs EMBA, MBA, BBA & Diploma Program
- Admissions Postgraduate Programs Masters in Public Health (MPH), MS Transfusion Medicine & Tissue Typing, Session 2020-A DUHS Karachi.
- Admissions Postgraduate Programs (FCPS-II & DIPLOMAS) Session 2020-A DUHS Karachi.
- Admissions in 1st Year MBBS & BDS (Session 2020) AT Dow Medical College (DMC), Sindh Medical College (SMC) & Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences (DIKIOHS), DUHS Karachi Admissions Post Graduate Programs Session 2020.
Documents To be submitted for Categories of
- Open Merit (DUHS & LUMHS),
- UEDP Local,
Blue and Pink application forms, alongwith following documents must be attached in one ordinary office file.
- Birth Certificate of the Candidate.
- Matric Certificate / ‘O’ Level Equivalent examination certificate from Karachi
- Mark sheet of Matric /transcript ‘O’ Level / Equivalent Examination.
- O Level equivalence certificate (if applicable).
- Interscience / A-Level marksheet or transcript from Karachi.
- Provisional certificate from School (sample certificate is attached).
- Provisional certificate from college.(sample certificate is attached).
- Hafiz-e-Quran certificate (if applicable).
- Certificate of disability (if applicable).
- Payorder of Rs.1500 (Fifteen hundred) as non refundable Entrance Test fee.
- Candidate’s Domicile Certificate of district Karachi.
- Candidate’s Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC, on form – C) district Karachi.
- Candidate’s NADRA National Identity Card (CNIC) or ‘B’ form, (if he/she is below the age of eighteen years).
- Father’s Domicile of Sindh Province on form P-1.
- CNIC of father, written from NADRA with Irreversible address of Sindh.
- 6 recent passport size photos (with full face subjection of both males & females) with the name, 3 attested from front & 3 attested from back.
- Admit card for the MBBS/BDS entry test, affixed with the application form (must be filled by the applicant).
DOW University Admission 2020 Last date – DUHS
- Last date for submit form: 17 May, 2020
- Entry Test will be held on: 30 May, 2020 (for medicine)
- for Surgery: 31 May, 2020
Get latest updates of Admission of DOW University of Health Sciences Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about DOW University of Health Sciences Admissions 2020.
Official Website: DOW University of Health Sciences
Founded: 27 December, 2003
Type: Public, Coeducational
A A, i want to know if there an admission for masters in public health in ypur oganization or not?
how to get online form of Dow? please tell me
You will apply through official webpage.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir assalam o alaikum,I belong to kpk can i get admission in dow medical college for doing mbbs if possible kindly tell me i will be very thanks full to you for this act of kindness
i want to knw what minimum % required to attempt the entry test in DOW
You must need to score 60% marks in Fsc Pre-Medical for applying admission in DOW.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Latest admission n E MBA
i want to know when are admisions for DGO for session 2012?
i want take admission at Dow medical college.
Dear Sir,
Are there any seats quota for students belonging to other provinces such as Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa. How many seats are there. What additional paper work or documents are required to be submittted at the time of application against these seats.
i m from multan. i want to do my future studies in it possible for me to take admissions in DMC? is there any punjab quota in DMC? i gained 87% in Fsc part1 which means i m totally eligible for the entrnce test.
There is now reserved seats for the punjab candidates.
What do u mean by reserved seats? u mean there is a quota of Punjab ?
Reserved seats special seats for different province. In Dow Institutes all seats are on open merit.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
assalam o alaikum …. sir can you tell me …. addmissions form has been open or not 😕 for 2014
Currently admission are not announced. When admission announced we hvae updated on the website for MBBS.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
What’s the percentage to be deducted of A-Level candidates in DOW University?
maximum 60% marks in A-Level.
Sir can you tell me that whats the minimum percantge % for radiology programm.?
If you have MBBS then you will apply for Diploma in Radiology Department.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Dar Sir,I am from Karachi.I have completed my Intermediate from Aga khan colleg, and have given the exams of HSSC part 1 as well as part 2. I want to take admission at Dow.I got 70%, So will my percentage be deducted?If I got the admission in DOW for MBBS?and from where do we prepare for the entrace test of DOW?
You have know eligible for the entry test and you prepare yourself through key books of Mcat or ILMI books are also good for the preparation of entry test.
i want to know about disabled persons seats and are there any seperate forms for many seats are for them..?
my question is for dow bds and d.pharm course
sir plz tell me the admission date of dow for mbbs in session 2012
Sir Please tell me the admission date of MBBS First year for Dow University in session 2012-2013
plxx tell me the date for admissions in MBBS n BDS 2012….
I have completed my ALEVELS and now im planning to study in dow uni. Someone told me that there are very less number of seats for ALEVEL students as compared to Intermediate ones. Is this true? Why is this so?
A-Level and Intermediate are equivalent to each other.Their is now equal seats for the qualification of the students.
Sir I want to know the procedure of scruitny in DOW UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES.can anyone help me?
salam,admin can you plz tell me the confirm date of dow university entry test for MBBS???
7 october is the day ov test
any one can plz tell me the date of entrance test for mbbs 2012?nd also the last date for submission of forms bcz nothing about it is available at this site!!!!
can any one tell me the dates of form submission???
I want to apply in dow university for MBBS!i want to know how many seats are for student of district punjab and how i can i apply???
Is a srctinized marksheet aceptable for admission??
sir asslamo alikum i wanna know that in which percentage we get admission in mbbs or pharm d or that is all depend on test
You have get maximum 60% marks in FSC Pre-medical.After that you have prepared for the Entry test.Both is number include for the Final merit list.
plx tell me tht k mene aj dow ki website pe dkha h k nts ki regstration copy email krni h at duhs website..????
sir please tell me fees of institute medical technology in critcal care on merit slection and selfinance
whats the procedure for self finance students? will they call those students who came on merit after selected students in dow and smc or they will call those who wrote yes on self finance option?or those who will locate seat first? anyone who knows can guide me?
A.A admin i want to know that is there any seats for punjab students in dow,and when the classes gonna start in dow..regardz
plx anyone can tell me that jo doctor of physiotheraphy 2012 ka abhi test hu atha uska result kaise pta lgega abto ek week se bhi zada hogya hai…
sir plz tell me ki jin student ka IMT list mein name aya han unka slection ho chuka han or maloom kaise hoga ki kis mein hua han because IMT mein bhi 5 field han
You will conform from the admission cell of the university.
mbbs k liay kitny %j required hai DUHS may????…..plzz tell me
Minimum eligibility for admission in MBBS is 60%.
regards, Admin From
merit pr kitny %j required hai MBBS k liay n is ki fees kya hai per year????
im duin A levels and after that m willing to do mbbs from dow, please let me know how much percentage m suppose to aquire in order to get admission on merit ?? and does they take aptitude test twice a year or once ?? plz answer to my question i really need to know
plz tell me the total amount required for self finance, bds asap
i just want to know closing percentages of DMC and SMC, it may help to set up my score i need for admission.
sir plz how can prepared for admission in dpt dow medical collage
sir, i want to know that i have passed by intermediate in 2012 so can i be able to take admission in dow college of pharmacy by ?
You have apply for Admission in Pharm-D.
sir i want to know the test pattern held for doctor of physiotherapy.. plz.. kindly tell me the distribution of mcqs in test
how much percentage is required to get admission here in MBBS and also for Bds cources guide me plz
when will the result of IMT announced ? kindly tell me
Important Spring Admission Date for BBA, MBA Morning 2 Year, MBA Evening 2 Year leading Ph.d, MBA 2 Year (Friday, Saturaday and Sunday), EMBA weekend Program 2 Year in Institute of Health Management
Last Date of Form Submission 18-01-2014
Entry Test will held on 26-01-2014
Inteviews shall be held on 01-02-2014
Beginning of Classes 17-02-01-2014
Get Admission Form and Submit Pay Order of Rs 1500/- in favour of Dow University Health Sciences(DUHS)
Regards, Admin From
plzz admin tell me about the admission in IMt..because tey just upload the marks of test,not merit list or merit nunber,so hw can we know that we got admission pr not…plzzzz help me,itx a request
Below is complete Details of Admission in IMT
Important Spring Admission Date for BBA, MBA Morning 2 Year, MBA Evening 2 Year leading Ph.d, MBA 2 Year (Friday, Saturaday and Sunday), EMBA weekend Program 2 Year in Institute of Health Management
Last Date of Form Submission 18-01-2014
Entry Test will held on 26-01-2014
Inteviews shall be held on 01-02-2014
Beginning of Classes 17-02-01-2014
Get Admission Form and Submit Pay Order of Rs 1500/- in favour of Dow University Health Sciences(DUHS)
Regards, Admin From
Hello sir I want to know the admission for mbbs 2014 please let me know the admission date.
Currently no admission date will be announced for MBBS 2014. When admission date will be announced we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Admin please let me know how Punjab candidates can apply in dow for Mbbs ? Idk how to apply I visited the website but there is nothing mention about it . so please mail me or let me know from where I can get admission form etc ?
Applicants from Punjab should be apply in DOW for Admissions. When admission announced we have appear in DOW entry test through NTS NAT Test. Dow has conducted his own entry test in different cities of Pakistan. So, when admission announced you should apply through NTS website in which mentioned the admission for Dow.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir let me know about the admission in BDS 2014 in self finance???
Currently admission are not announced for BDS in DUHS Karachi. When admission announced we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I want to know about percentage require for MBBS.
You have minimum 60% marks in Fsc Pre-Medical for Admission in Dow University of Health Sciences.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir I want to know the process of entry test admission and daye of entry test I am from Punjab I want to apply in MBBS plzzzz tell me the whole process
Admission Date
Admission should be announced in the month of Sep/Oct
Admission Procedure
Download Admission Form from website and pay Rs 1500/- in favor of Dow University of Health Sciences, with Father Name and Application Number.
Entry Test in Dow for MBBS
Entrance Test fee (non refundable) as Payorder of Rs. 1500 (Fifteen hundred) in favour of Dow University of Health Sciences, mentioning the name, father’s name and application number at the back of payorder.
The Entrance Test will be based on the following subjects.
a) Biology…………. 30 Questions
b) Chemistry…….. 30 Questions
c) Physics…………. 30 Questions
d) English…………. 10 Questions
Instruction of Entry Test
The venue and time of the entrance test will be mentioned in the admit card.
• This Entrance Test for all required categories will only be valid for the current session of admission.
• Candidates who have acquired less than 60% marks in the Inter science or A Level exams will not be allowed to appear in
the Entrance Test.
• No candidate will be allowed to appear in the entrance test without the admit card.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Admission Date
Admission should be announced in the month of Sep/Oct
Admission Procedure
Download Admission Form from website and pay Rs 1500/- in favor of Dow University of Health Sciences, with Father Name and Application Number.
Entry Test in Dow for MBBS
Entrance Test fee (non refundable) as Payorder of Rs. 1500 (Fifteen hundred) in favour of Dow University of Health Sciences, mentioning the name, father’s name and application number at the back of payorder.
The Entrance Test will be based on the following subjects.
a) Biology…………. 30 Questions
b) Chemistry…….. 30 Questions
c) Physics…………. 30 Questions
d) English…………. 10 Questions
Instruction of Entry Test
The venue and time of the entrance test will be mentioned in the admit card.
• This Entrance Test for all required categories will only be valid for the current session of admission.
• Candidates who have acquired less than 60% marks in the Inter science or A Level exams will not be allowed to appear in
the Entrance Test.
• No candidate will be allowed to appear in the entrance test without the admit card.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Let me tell about Diploma child Health admission when and criteria for form submission and test
Admission Dates
Last Date of Form Submission 30-05-2014
Entry Test will be held on 14-06-2014
Get Admission Form form UBL-Baba-e-Urdu Road Branch along with payorder of Rs 2,000/- only.
Pay registration fee and monitoring fee of Rs 25,000/- for FCPS Programs
1. M.B.B.S
As above (General Criteria), Six month experience in Pediatrics essential.
Admission Rs. 25,000/-
Tuition – (Per Semester) Rs. 30,000/-
RFID Card Rs 1,000/-
Honorarium of Rs. 12,000/- per month will be paid for on-call duties. (1 in 4 on call
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Can students from interior Sindg apply directly for DOW rather than LUMHS or any other medical college?
Yes, Bilal Afzal you apply for admission in DOW. Because DOW conduct his own test for admission in MBBS or other course. Each medical college in Karachi conduct his own test its your desire you go for which.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
is there seat 4 punjab provnc
Salaam, I wanted to inquire that;
1) I have given my A level papers in May June 2014 but I didn’t give Physics A2 which I will give in Oct Nov 2014, hence can I apply for admission?
2) Also do we have to apply separately for BDS and MBBS or we have to give one form for it?
3) As I’m a hafizah, do you provide any special considerations for it?
4) From where and when can I get admission forms.
Jazak Allah Khair
If you have 60% marks without Physics paper in A Level part 1st than you apply for admission in DOW. Below 60% not allowed for admission in DOW.
2ndly you ask to apply for MBBS/BDS both. Then when you apply for admission than there is priority wise select courses MBBS First and second priority is BDS.
3rd you ask any special marks for Hafizah. Than university not provide any consideration for Hafizah student.
4th when admission announced you download admission form from here download this and pay bank draft and than sent to DUHS.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Jazak Allah Khair for your reply
admin can you plz tell me the confirm date of dow university entry test for MBBS???
Currently Admission date are not announced. When admission date announced we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Please can i get an urgent reply…
how many number required to take admission in medical tell mmee
You must have 60% marks in Fsc Pre Medical for admission in Medical.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
if any one have nott clear first year 1 paper soo what should he do it explain me
If you have not clear the first year paper but you have 60% in Fsc Part-I including the marks of fail paper if needed otherwise not. Then you should apply for admission in DOW on the base of hope certificate.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir tell me the amount of mcqs in mcat entry test i m from karachi board
DOW has conduct his own entry test.
Total Question is 100
English 10
Bio 30
Chemistry 30
Physics 30
Total Time 2 hours
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Mostly MCQS select from Sind Text Board Book. You purchase book of Dogar and Fareedi for best guide regarding DOW Entry Test.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Aoa………Admission KB start hnga MBBS ka.??????
Currently Admission are not announced when admission announced we have updated on the website. It should be expected in the month of Sep 2014.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
What is the quota for candidates with punjab ka domicile in DOW?
In DOW there is total 100 seats in which 30 seats are reserved for those applicants who apply on open merit seats and remaining 70 seats is for overseas Pakistani.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Do u deduct the percentage of A level students for the MBBS program in DUHS?
Sir plz guide me some books other than the course books for preparation of dow entry test?? i need proper names of books..
Entry of DOW conduct by NTS of total 100 MCQS. You course is the best handbook for you of FSC. Apart form this use MCQS Book of Kips and ILMI for mcqs guides.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Does ur university allows for BDS also??
Yes, DOw offered BDS. Duration of this course 4 years.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
mbbs k admission kb start hongy. aor kpk k lye seats hy
Currently admission are not announced. It should be announced in the month of NOV/Dec. There is no reserved seats for KPK Students.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Plz reply me sir
Plz r
i want to know that when did admission for MBBS courses shall held??
It should be expected in the month of Sep. Currently admission are not announced. When admission announced we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
thank uuu soo much to tell me the name of books may allah blesss uuu
If a person is a permanent resident of Karachi, having domicile and PRC of Karachi, is he eligible for getting admission on open merit in DOW if he has passed matric and intermediate both from Federal Board, Islamabad?
Yes, Kahlil if student has domicile of karachi than he/she should apply for admission in Dow on open merit seats.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Thanks a lot sir. People say that federal board students don’t get admission in universities in Karachi, preference is given to Karachi board students.You have removed a big confusion that person with domicile can get admission easily, and it does not matter that he did SSC and HSSC from Federal Board or Karachi Board. Once again thanks. May Allah bless you.
Universities not seek out board of the student that he/she pass the class from which board. Universities only see the marks, in which universities final the merit. So, Finally, universities give equal preference to both applicants either he pass from Karachi board or from Federal Board.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
admin please tell me the book name of book dogger beacause the name of dogger has three publishers name there are
1)dooger sons
2)dogger unit
3)dogger brothers
please tell me the right name
Fatima Dogger Brother books are best for MCAT. You purchase the book of Doggar Brothers.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
admin mujhay yai bta dai k dogger ki 3 publishers hai 1)dogger brothers2)dogger unit
3)doogger sons to in ma se kon si suitable haa plaese tell me
admin tell me the entry test book name conduct dow university
admin i wanted to ask u tht the student who has domicile of hyd or any other city of sindh so hw many seats r there for them and da students wd da domicile of hyd nd wd inter of hyd can apply for da dow university ?
Yes, student of HYD should apply for admission in DOW. There is total 30 seats reserved for open merit in Dow. There is no reserved seats for HYD.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i also wanted to ask tht when will da admission forms of dow be announced?
Currently DOW not announced admission for MBBS. When admission announced then we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
One of my relatives has passed his matric from Federal Board, Islamabad with an outstanding grade. He wants to do MBBS from DOW. Can you please suggest which board he should take in intermediate in order to take admission in DOW?
Dow conduct entry test for intermediate books of Karachi, Sukkur and Hyderabad Board. If student has domicile of Sindh then he/she should apply for admission in DOW.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
plz ye btaen k dow university m kitne fees hain mbbs k sir plz tell me
Fee Structure on Self
Tuition Fee 15,00,000 Per Years
Number of Seats 16
Fee Structure on Regular
Tuition Fee 1st Semester is Rs 24,150 on open merit
Fee from 2nd Semester to 8th Semester is Rs 15,550/-
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
15 lacs is the total fees for mbbs? If it is then, how much have to pay yearly? And also tell about the hostel fees.
I have clearly mention that 15 Lac is per year fee.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir 30 reserved seats are for hyd ?
In DOW there is open merit and other seats. There is no 30 seats reserved for HYD applicants.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir i m summaiya plz inform me abut admission test in dow
Currently DOW announced admission date for MBBS. When admission announced then we have updated on the website. You have regularly check the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
What are the admission test dates for MBBS 2014?
Are the forms available?
Currently admission are not announced. When admission announced for MBBS then we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
how many seats r there in dow of interior sindh and khi for MBBS AND BDS?
In DOW all seats are open merit. There is no reserved seats for interior sindh and Khi.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I studied intermediate from saudi arabia in pakistani college through federal board islamabad.
I have karavhi domicile & PRC.
can i apply on local open merit & self finanance in Dow UHS!
Secondly, with karachi domicile & PRC, can i apply in punjab medical colleges in open merit! If so, what the procedure will be.
Please advise.
Dear, you apply for admission in DOW with domicile of Karachi. But you have not apply for Punjab Public Medical Colleges.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
da student who has cleared his intermediate frm hyd board can get into dow medical college ??
Yes, student cleared his intermediate from HYD Board should apply for admission in DOW. A student has must domicile of Sindh for admission in DOW. Entry Test syllabus of Dow should by from intermediate books of Sukkur, HYD and Karachi Board.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
dear admin kia hafiz e quran k lia koi extra marks ya seat hote ha matric karachi board fsc hydrbd board open merit ma shumar hoga ya qota systm
In DOW university all admission should be on open merit base. There is no reserved seats for any other students in DOW. Marks of Hafiza Quran should not include when calculated merit. It only require FSC and Matric marks.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
when will the entrance test be held for MBBS in dow medical college?
Currently admission are not announced. When admission announced we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I read on a web site that Jinnah sind medical college karachi has announced application forms submittal for MBBS. After 10th. July,the application forms can be submitted with late submittal fines. Is it correct.
if so, it means DUHS & Jinnah will have different MCAT tests.!
Kindly clarify the subject since my impression is that all Sind Govt. Colleges will have one test which is applicable to all sind govt.unversities.
Dear, in Sindh each medical college is conduct his own entry test. Jinnah Sindh Medical entry test is only eligible for this medical college. DUHS has conduct his own entry test. Its not true that Jinnah Sindh Medical University has announced its admissions. Its admission should be expected in the month of Sep. Finally, each college in Sindh has its own entry test not applicable to all public medical colleges in Sindh.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Admin also tell that if a person is with shikarpur domicile (from sindh) can he apply for dmc mbbs entrance test?
Yes, he should apply for entrance test.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Assalamoalaikum..i want to know, is civil hospital giving mcps training in dermatology now or not? if yes then tell me the admission dates for it.please reply on my id, and i want to know the upcoming date for admission in the diploma programme in dermatology which duhs is conducting .I am waiting for your reply….
Dear, Dr Saman when DUHS announced Diploma in Dermatology dates then we have updated on the website. You regularly check this post in week for 1 day. Then you easily get yourself update regarding Diloma date.
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Admin plz tell me about the whole fees of mbbs on self finance.
Pl info when mbbs admission started
DOW Admission for MBBS is currently not announced. When admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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Admin i asked u about the whole fees of mbbs on self finance. Plz ans me.
Admin i asked u about the whole fees of mbbs on self finance. Plz ans me..
Can anyone please help me out?
Which is the best Mcat book for dmc test? I heard that doger brothers is more from punjab board. But the test will be from our karachi board book. So, what should I do?
Your best book for MCAT Test is your intermediate books. If you good concept of intermediate books of Karachi Board then you easily get good marks in entry test. I have suggest you that avoid for these types of books just use of guide not for preparation. For preparation you best guider is your books. Finally, well prepare extract concept each single topic only.
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1)Dow ka jo oct 2013 mai test ho tha mbbs n bds k liay….mbbs n bds kis %j pr close hoa tha n mbbs n bds kii fees per year kia hai????
2)Pharm D ka entry test kb hota hai n is ki fees kia hai n pichle dfa ye kis %j pr close hoa????
3)Physiotherapy ka entry test kb hota hai n is ki fees kia hai n pichle dfa ye kis %j pr close hoa????
Admin plz tell me about the fees of mbbs on self finance, not the yearly tell me the whole fees.
sir how many seats are in dow uni from k.p.k students?
There is no reserved seats for the student of KPK in Dow Medical College.
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Dear Admin
My daughter she complete O level and A level from Qatar but A level with Math Chemistry and biology she can get admission in I saw some thing about Physics also.
Yes, she should apply for admission in Dow International Medical College for International Students. But must pass the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
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Assalam-o-Alaikum. Sir, When admissions will started and when admission forms will come? and when entry test will be taken and how much percentage require for BDS and pharmacy and B.Sc also? plz reply must. thanku
hello sir , i want to ask u question that bds ka test bhi mbbs kai test kai sath hi hoga na and kiya test 6 oct ko hoga and bds kai4 year course ki full fees kia hai plz tell me
Yes, BDS Test should be conduct on same day when MBBS Admission Test will be held.
Fee Structure:
First Year Rs 24,150
2nd to 4 Year Rs. 15,550
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do dow is offering DPT ?? if yes then what is desired percentage??nd procedure to apply??
please let me know..
Yes, DOW offered DPT, you have 60% marks in Pre-Medical having domicile of Sindh. Currently admission are not announced for DPT. When admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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thanku sir!!
will nts conduct the test for DPT as well?
Dow has conduct entry test for DPT through NTS. When admission announced then DOW also mentioned entry test date.
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sir plz bta den karachi ke medical colleges mein federal area (islamabad) wale apply kar skte hain kia ?
No, in all public medical colleges of Karachi only domicile of Sindh Student should apply.
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A.o.A SIR I belong to gilgit baltistan can i apply in (dpt)and (mt)on open merit .because i hve no domicile of karachi .and please inform me is there any reserve seat for G.B students in DUhs.
There is no reserved seats for the student of Giligit Balkistan in DOW. But you apply for admission in DPT with your own district domicile. Currently admission for DPT has not announced when admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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I am an Alevel student from Karachi.. I have to apply for BDS.. I just want to know the minimum required grades in AS for early admission?
If you have domicile of Sindh then you apply for admission in DUHS.
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Sir I wanna know that whether the sindh domicile is necessary to apply for mbbs n bds in dow medical college coz am a punjab student so……n whats the closing merit for it of last year n what is the admission criteria for it?????
Yes, Domicile of Sindh is compulsory for admission in DOW. If you from punjab then you would not apply for DUHS.
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sir i am from peshawar i got 76% marks can i apply in dow mdcl college for entry test
Student from Peshawar should not apply for admission in DOW. Student having domicile of Sindh should apply for admission in Sindh.
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sir i am from peshawar and my percntage is 76 can i apply for entery test
Sir, I am from lahore.Can I get admitted in DOW Medical College for the session 2014-15? I secured 90% marks in metric and 83% in FSC.. Kindly let me know the admission and test dates.
Student from Lahore not apply for admission in DOW. Student must have domicile of Sindh for admission in DOW.
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Sir can u plz tell me the proper fee structure for BDS..
Plz reply
Admin tell me about the seats on self finance.. Who can apply for seat on self finance in dow?
Yes, there is self finance seats in DOW for students. But self finance seats should be reserved for Foreign Students.
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Sir Im from Balochistan, may I apply in DOW?
Student having domicile of Sindh will permitted to apply in DOW. Finally, student from Baluchistan will not apply for admission in DOW.
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Sir I hv done MBA. Can I get addmission in dow for MBBS? Please guide me.
If you want to apply for MBBS in DOW. Then you must have FSC Pre-Medical. Domicile of Sindh.
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Plz tell me the fee structure of bds sir
sir I want to get admission in cardiology plz tell me all procedure and fee structure I’m from Punjab….
sir plese tell me… what is the minimum percentage for mbbs in dow medical? “c” grade ? 56%!
Student having C grade 56% will not eligible to apply for admission in MBBS. For admission in MBBS you must have 60% marks.
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i got 78% in inter can i give entry test
Yes, you appear for entry test. Currently, admission are not announced for MBBS when admission announced for MBBS then we have updated on the website.
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do dmc doesnot accept scrutiny marks reply soon
Scrutiny Marks means. Can you elaborate this word.
i ve scrutinize my physics paper because i know i will good paper but i didnt get good marks so rechecking of papers is called scutiny
but i heard dmc doesnot accept scrutinize marksheet
Sir, could u plz tell me what was the closing percentage in entry test for MBBS/BDS last year 2013 this could really help me out. My percentage in SSC examinations was 81.53% so… am I not capable of even DREAMING about getting admission in DUHS ???? Plz do reply , I would appreciate that … !
Currently, we have not remember the last year merit exactly but it must be near 84%. Secondly, your entry test is most important for you. If you get good marks in entry test then you easily get admission in DOW for MBBS.
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sir when will announce admission of(dpt)and (mt)
Currently admission for DPT has not announced. When admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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Is there any seat quota for interior Sindh like Ghotki or Sukkur.If yes, than how many seats are there .Plaese rply me soon.I have my domicile from dist.Ghotki.
There is not reserved seats for interior sindh in Dow. But Dow has some reserved seat for student of Sukkur.
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can the students of kpk apply for DMC.i have got 77 percent marks in fsc from peshawar board.when and where will be the test held
Only student having the domicile of Sindh should apply for Dow University of Health Sciences.
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asalam alaikum sir
my board is larkana and i have done my A- levels so can i do etrance test in dow
plzzzz rply fast sir i have an urgent
i’ve the domicile of khaipur distt can i apply for the admission
Yes, you apply for DOW. If you have domicile of Sindh.
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Plz tell me about the date of entry test of DOW and when will i can get the admission form?
Currently, MBBS admission are not annouced. When admission announced for MBBS then we have updated on the website.
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Kindly provide me the amount of self-finance scheme for admission in MBBS for the year 2014 in DUHS Karachi.Thanks
Candidates selected for admission will have to submit a bankdraft / payorder of US 10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) in favour of Dow University of Heatlh Sciences as first year fee at the time of selection, alongwith admission charges of Rs. 3000/- (Rs. three thousand only) in favour of Dow University of Health Sciences.
Same amount of fee (US dollars 10,000) will have to be paid at the start of each session (second, third, fourth and final year MBBS).
Hostel facility is also available, seperately for boys and girls. They are fully furnished and airconditioned, Minimum room rent charges are Rs. 3500 / month (subject to change according to the utility bills). Mess charges will be charged seperate, which will differ accordingly.
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pls tell i’ve the domicile of sukkur can i apply for the admission,MBBS,hw many seats in dow
Yes, you apply for admission in DOW. But their is no reserved seats for Sukkur applicants in DOW.
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sir are kpk students apply for mbbs in dua medical universty
KPK Student will not apply for admission in Dow.
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Can a student apply in dow who has cleared his matric with 63% in science group but pre-engineering and 70% in inter pre-medical??please let me know.
I have already sent you answer regarding this querry.
Sorry sir,but i didn’t got any reply.
Sir, is there r seats for pujab students in DOW?if yes then how can apply for mbbs or bds??
There is no reserved seat for the students of Punjab in DOW.
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Please give info about the reserve seats in DUHS fir punjab province?
There is no reserved seat for Punjab Student in DOW,
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punjab kay students kaisay admission lay saktay hain DOW mein?
Student from Punjab will not apply for DOW. Only Student having Domicile of Sindh should apply for MBBS in Dow.
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Asalam o alaikum
sir kiya addmision form interior sindh may availible hongy……..or addmision form available hu gye or entry test ki date kiya hai………….plz kindly answer my question i will be very thank full…….
Admission will be avialable in College or you also download from official webpage of DOW. Download Admission pay bank draft fee and apply for admission in MBBS. Secondly currently admission are not announced. When admission announced then we have updated on the website. You regularly visit this page for updates regarding MBBS.
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sir_ I am iqra frm Lahore n I want to take admission in dow university is it possible? if it is, then what can I do plz n kindly reply me
Student from Lahore will not apply for admission in DOW.
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I have my domicile of sindh but my ‘O’ and ‘A’ level education is from islamabad. Can i apply to Dow?
sir i have cleared my inter in (pre-medical) and i got 64% so can i take admission in mbbs at dow university and what is the fee structure per semester in dow
Yes, you apply for admission in DOW.
Admission Rs. 25,000/-
Tuition – (Per Semester) Rs. 30,000/-
RFID Card Rs 1,000/-
Honorarium of Rs. 12,000/- per month will be paid for on-call duties. (1 in 4 on call
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i want to know that from which branches of UBL we will get the addmission form for mbbs?
You get admission form from official webpage of DOW.
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You get admission form from official webpage of DOW. Get Admission Form and pay bank draft feee.
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From where can I download the NTS Form which is required for Admission in DUHS.
Plus do i need to submit 2 NTS Forms for SMC and DMC or one form?
You have use separate from for admission in DMC and SMC. Secondly you get admission form from NTS website and official website.
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sir my self farhan sir my % 42 pre-medical i m eligible to bs program of .. radiology dental hygenist .. tell my sir kindly plz thank u
Yes, Dear you apply for admission in DOW. But you entry test marks will give you a confirmation of admissions.
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and tell me 42 % ma kya bachlour program kar sakta hon .. ya koi acha diploma
Dear, you must have 45% marks in FSC Pre-Medical for admission in DOW University. In addition, there are so many medical courses which are offered after matric. So, you for admission in these courses.
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AoA, Sir punjab ki koi reserve seats ni phr ks tra admission lia jaskta k koi chance ni? kindly rep urgent
Student from Punjab will not apply for admission in DOW.
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salam sir what is the eligibilty % of dental hygenis course in dow university …….
Dow offered Postgraduate Diplomas which is studied after MBBS.
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and sir dental hyginis course kbsa starte hungy … 4 year wala bachlour program or eligibilty kia ha is ki kindl tel me thx
aoa sir can i apply for mbbs in dow .if i passed inter 2012. plz rply.
Yes, you apply for admission in DOW. If you age not cross 21.
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admin plz rply
sir i have taken the admision i have to fill the online app form but over there they are asking NTS roll no..wht shud i write there plz guide me
NTS Roll Number means you should appear for NAT Test through Online website of NTS. Then NTS issue you a roll number so you write this roll number on the admission form of DOW.
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salam can u tell me pharm D ki test ki date kya h nd m sukkur se hu kya m apply kr skti hn dow university
Currently admission are not announced for Pharm-D. When admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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salam i want to know about my application form either it is submitted or not. it does not show any message when i click submit button.
Dear you check your email. Message will be sent in your Email Inbox.
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I have a domicile of thul-jacobabad
Can.I.apply to Dow?
And.on the NTS site.
It is mentioned that it is a.pre entry test
What does.that mean
And I’ve been told.that all tests occur.on the same date.
I.have to apply to.chandka.medical college and to DOW Medical. College
Is it possible
I have 95% in matric and.85% in fsc
Yes, you apply in all medical colleges but entry test should be conduct on same day for all public medical colleges in Sindh.
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aoa sir plz tel me dow applicant form kha kha se mil skte ha.
I have to ask something regarding the
eligibility criteria of DUHS. I have 4 years study of Karachi and have
been living with my maternal uncle over the whole course of my studies from first grade till now. I have domicile and PRC of Karachi and local address of Karachi on CNIC and permanent address of Punjab. My father has given the power of attorney to my uncle, who has a dual address i.e. local address of
Karachi and permanent address of Punjab and so do i. Am i eligible for
for the admission in DUHS? The question is, is it possible to give entry test with respect to my uncle rather than my father by attaching the power of attorney with the rest of required documents? If yes, then is there any issue regarding the permanent address being that of Punjab?
Sumaira if you want to apply to apply in DOW then you must have domicile of Sindh or Karachi which is issue by Government of Sindh for you not your father. Finally, if you have domicile of Karachi then you appear for DOW Entry test otherwise not. If you have domicile of Punjab then you will not eligible for entry test of Dow.
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Plz reply me regarding my issue
sir when the test of dpt will be held in dow and it will be held seperately or joint with mbbs
Entry Test for DPT should be held separately by DOW.
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I want to know that is the result has been announced of postgraduate studies entry test which was held on 18th of September 2014, and if not then when it is suspected . please reply me
Result will be updated soon.
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is the result will be appear in duhs official site ? and will they send interview letter at home ?
a.o.a Sir! DOW k online form mein academic record of bro/sis mein kya sirf us sis/bro ka record likhna hy jo inter pass kr chuky hein?? like , meri sis ny abi sirf matric kia hy or abi wo 2nd year mein hai..
Acadamic Records of Bro/Sis mean you write currenlty education status of brothers/Sister. So, if you sister is currently study in FSC then write here in the column for Matric.
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does dow consider SATII results for admissions? also, what is the fee for self finance for MBBS at DUHS
Yes, Dow International Medical College accept SAT-II score for Self Finance Seats for Foreign only.
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sir I have send NTS registration form to NTS office Islamabad but uptill now I have not get NTS roll no.So what should I write in place of nts roll no in dow application form for MBBS,BDS.
Dear, you check your email address where the roll number has been mentioned.
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sir I have check my email inbox but NTS didnot send me NTS roll no. so what should I write in place of NTS roll no?Can I write my NTS application form place of NTS roll no.
sir plz tell me how can apply for Anaesthesiology
Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)
Community Medicine
i am from punjab ,, plz guide me ,,
Yes, you apply for all programs. Currenlty admission are not announced for Allied Sciences Programs. When admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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sir i am from punjab ,, bt jo form website pa hyy wo domicile karachi ka require krta ,, bt mai keasay apply karn ,,, plzzzzzzzz tell me
If you want to apply in DOW then you must have domicile of Sindh.
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but sir i am from punjab ,, domicile karachi ka nai mera ,, phir ma keasayy apply karnn in sb fieldzz k liye ,, website pa koi easa form nai hyy .,,,
Student from Punjab will not apply for admission in DUHS.
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plz mjy ye bta dn k ab to entrytest khtm kye ja ry hn to next year ka expected merit kia ho ga MBBs ka
Currently it’s not final that entry test is not conducted for Public Universities. Next year we can’t say anything. When times comes then you see where the merit is fall.
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is the result of entry test will be appeared on duhs official site ? and will they interview letter at home ?
sir i am from dir i want admission in pharm d in dow plz help me and last date
Currently Pharm-D admission are not announced when admission announced we have updated on the website.
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could u pls tell me submission of online form is compulsory for overseas catogary applicants or only yellow green form is enough
I want to apply in dow medical collage in mbbs which form should I submit wether yellow green or pink blue
I want to take admission in dow medical collage on overseas seats which form should I submit yellow green or pink blue
Sir I have check my email inbox but NTS has not send me my NTS roll no. so what should I write in place of NTS roll no? can I write NTS application form no. in place of NTS roll no?
Sir my domicile nd prc s well s my father’s domicile nd prc is of karachi but my father’s nic is marked as overseas as he lives in saudi arabia.. Will this coz any problem?? Coz i hvv heard that there are chances for me to pay in dollars if i qualified for adm is it true?
If your father CINIC is not marks as Pakistani then you will definitely pay in $. If your father is nationality holder of Pakistan and apply this CINIC issue by NADRA then you have apply on open merit regular seats.
You will fall under UDEP Overseas Pakistan and you hav to pay Fee of 10,000 $ (ten thousand US dollars) for two subsequent yearly semesters will have to be paid at the time of obtaining admit card for 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester examinations.
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Can anyone tell me when would be the tests of DPT taken? Any confirmed dates or month?
I want to take admission only in DPT and I am not getting any proper information about it from anyone.
Are the dates announced?
Currently DPT Admission will not announced in DOW. It should be expected in the month of Nov. When admission date announced then we have updated on the website.
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sir i am from sukkur board..can i get adm in dow d.pharm?is there any seats for interior?
Sir..plz tl me will there b any negatve mrkng in the test??
sir u said above that there are some seats for sukkur students in d.pharm . then plz tell me about adm procedure? i hve got 77% in intermediate.sukkur board
Currently admission are not announced for Pharm-D. When admission announced for Pharm-D then we have updated on the website. Secondly, Student having Sindh Domicile will apply for admissions.
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Sir when will the admit cards for DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE be issued?
Does Dow count only Science subject % or overall subjects % ??
DOW calculate merit on the base of FSC Marks and Entry Test Marks.
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assalam o alaikum..dow k test ki preparation kelye mcqs books bataden
The best book for Dow Entry Test Preparation in College Books. You purchase college Physics, College Chemistry or College Biology from the market. In these books concept will evaluated in a good way that student easily exact the concept. So, need to purchase these books for the good preparation of the entry test.
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Sir what’s the closing percentage of pharm d in dcop?
Last year merit of Pharm-D will be 76%.
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i want to know which hifz e quran certificate will accept for admission??is certificate of hifz from tanzeem ul madaris ahlesuunnat pakistan acceptable??or from wafaqul madaris certificate require?plz ans
If you have certificate of Hifaz Quran then it will acceptable in Dow.
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Can u plz tell me where can I get application form n prospectus of pharm-D???
N in online form do I have to submit all the mention documents online too(do I hav 2 submit documents manuallyas well as online)???
Dear, you will apply online through official webpage for Pharm-D. Secondly, also submit online document if option is available otherwise sent through post.
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Thank u
One more thing can u plz tell me where can I get prospectus of pharm-D??? it’s soft copy is not available at the university website..n in online application it’s written to read prospectus
sir sukkur domicial.apply Pham D???
Yes, you will apply for admissions.
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sir 2014 expected dow closing kaha jayegi pls bataday
Currently, its not confirm where the merit is fall.
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meri % 80.5 h hojaega? plssssssssssssssss
I have not give you confirmation of admissions. Hope for best.
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Sir when the results will be announced?
salaam sir meri % 42 ha inter ki sir koi diploma program ha jo ma kar sakta honya bachlour kindly tell me sir thanks…
Dear, Farhan you have minimum 45% marks for Diploma Course in DOW.
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Assalam o alaikum for pharm-d in duhs inter overall % count or inter science subject % count
When merit of Pharm-D has been calculated then overall inter marks should be considered in the merit.
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salam what is the chance for getting open merit bds on merit no 809?
sir pharmacy 2014 ka entry result kaisay pata chalay ga? dow uni ka?
You will check your result from Official webpage of DOW.
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IMT and DPT ka aik hi test hoga.???
because admit card mein alag alag roll no hain.??
mera seat no kia hoga??
Kia srf aik hi field mein test de sakte hain?
Dear, Mustafa you will call in the admission cell of DOW University and get confirmation regarding this query.
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Sir i want to know the exact location of dow international dental college as i was told that its near national medical centre but there is nothing plz reply
Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town, Karachi
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Can u please tell me that what is the closing percentage for MBBS this year?
Not remember yet.
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Dear sir,
How many seats are available for Pharm D? And what does merit cum choice mean?
There is 100 seats in Dow for Pharm-D. 60 Seats reserved on open merit and 40 Seats are for others on self base. Merit is not confirmed yet.
Fee Structure on Merit base
Fee of First Year 127,800
Fee for Next 2 Years Rs 96,800 per year
Fee Structure on Self Bas
First Year Fee Rs 2,24,600
Fee of Rs. 1, 98,800/- per year
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Sir, I’ve merit no 246, Could I get admission on self base or it seems quite impossible?
Sir, is there any chance on self base having merit no. 246?
I have not say anything.
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I have posted a comment before but for some reason it didn’t appear.
Anyways, I shall repeat my query…
My sister will be completing her A-Levels and SAT I and II from Saudi Arabia..
Will she be selected on her SAT score or there will be another test?
What yearly tuition fees will?
If she completes her A-level in Karachi, will she be considered as national student?
If your sister will want to apply in Dow University for MBBS then SAT-II Test is compulsory for admission. You will apply on the base of Overseas seat if you complete your A-Level from Saudi Arabia or Karachi. If you complete your A Levels from Karachi and your parents is working a foreign then you will fall under overseas seats. Secondly, you will need to appear in entry test on both situation. So, finally if she has domicile of Sindh then she should apply for admissions and from district Karachi.
1.70 (seventy) seats have been reserved at Dow International Medical College (DIMC) for children of overseas Pakistanis.
2. Candidates should have passed Matric / ‘O’ Level or Inter Science / ‘A’ Level or equivalent examination from outside Pakistan.
3. Candidates who have passed intermediate science / A level / equivalent examination from any institution of Karachi, BUT their parents are working abroad. (Documentary Proof needed)
4. Candidates selected for admission will have to submit a bankdraft / payorder of US 10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) in favour of Dow University of Heatlh Sciences as first year fee at the time of selection, along with admission charges of Rs. 3000/- (Rs. three thousand only) in favour of Dow University of Health Sciences.
Same amount of fee (US dollars 10,000) will have to be paid at the start of each session (second, third, fourth and final year MBBS).
Hostel facility is also available, separately for boys and girls. They are fully furnished and air-conditioned, Minimum room rent charges are Rs. 3500 / month (subject to change according to the utility bills). Mess charges will be charged seperate, which will differ accordingly.
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sir i read the advertisement of duhs about limited seats in i want to know about the procedure and fees of the following advertisement..?is it self FINANCE OR NOT?
You will get information regarding all question from admission cell of DOW.
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Seats in Institute of IMT
a) Clinical Laboratory Sciences….50
b) Respirotory & Critical Care……25
c) Surgical Technology…………..25
d) Clinical Ophthalmic Technology
e) Perfusion Sciences……………..08
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thanks for ur reply
sir i wrote an email to the admission cell but i hav’nt got any reply yet.please co-operate with me and if you have any info regarding the mbbs seats so kindly reply.i will be really thankful to you
sir i haven’t got any reply yet regarding the above issue of mbbs seats in DIMC from the admission cell of DOW. Please if u any info regarding this issue so reply as soon as possible
plz i did not get the admit card of radiology test and tell me the time and venue???
Information regarding admit card you will get from admission cell of DOW.
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sir… pathology k lia kitni % required ha or fess kitni ha… plzz guide me
You must have 60% marks in FSC Pre-Medical for admission in Dow.
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total seats for pathology student??
seats for pathology??
Sir i have got the admision in wht is the furthur procedure..when the session is starting..wht abt the book list..
Plz tell me sir
For further information you will call in admission cell of DOW.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team can u give me any contact no of dow?
If you have domicile of Karachi then you will eligible to apply in DOW. Every year admission for MBBS will be announced in the month of July/Aug. You will get admission form from DOW official webpage and apply for admissions.
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Sir dow k admission me ssc ki % matter krti h ssc me mri 82 % h kya me dow me mbbs k liye apply kr skti hn…
Is MCAT required for BDS?
Yes, MCAT is required for BDS. You will apply in entry test of Sindh Government for Sindh Public Medical College.
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Sir , I belong to the province of kpk . So there are seats for kpk students in dow sir plz tell me
In DOW only Sindh Domicile student will eligible to apply.
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Sir plzz repl me, n also tell me the fee structure?
Sir in above documents list of candidadte which is equired for admission, there is written that, domicile should have from karachi nadra, but my domicile is from sindh kamber shahddkot sindh, can I apply?
sir agar father or mara domicile and prc karachi ka ho par sirf abo k NIC PAR permanent adress punjab ka ho or present yahan ka to kia may eligible hon test k liya
Sir I want to know that my domicile of sindh kamber shahdadkot , can I apply for mbbs in duhs?
sir i have 356 number in sci subjects i passed fsc in 2013 now i wants to apply in the next year mbbs duhs.sir cant you give me any information about that i should repeat any subject now?kia me ab improve kr sakti hn numbers fsc me? Beacause there is a deduction of 20 marks in the next year.
Yes, their is deduction of 20 marks in next year. Secondly, you get admission in DOW if you score well in entry test. But currently, at this situation I suggest you to improve in those subjects in which you got low marks. Secondly, if you improve marks and also got good marks in entry test than it should be very helpful for you to get admission in DOW for MBBS.
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sir manay mirpur khas say inter kiya hay jis may meri 75 percentage hay or meri sis ki 80 to hm dono ka dow ya smc may hojaega open merit par and i have domicile of mirpurkhas or mirpur kay quota kay mutabiq 65 waly ka hojaega wo mera friend hay ap btae muje thanks pre medical students or kiya required hoga
Yes, you will eligible to apply in DOW or SMC. When new admission announced than we have updated on the website. Secondly, if you get good marks in entry test than you easily get good merit position. Finally, prepare well the FSC course and hope for best to get admission in DOW or SMC.
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or 65 walay ka hojaega agr entry test may acha score krlay to
or 65 walay ki ki agar entry test may achay marks lae to thanks
Sir me ne fsc 2013 me kiya .kia me ab 2015 me improve kr sakti hn???reply me very quikly plzzzzz
Yes, you will eligible to improve your marks and appear in the entry test of MBBS conducted by DOW.
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Sir I,m from oman but Pakistani can I apply entry test of dow, and also tell the fee of dow per year
Yes, you will eligible to apply in DOW. Fee Structure will be updated on the website.’
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sir what is closing merit? plz explain and what is closing merit for dow? kindly guide
sir what is the closing percentages of duhs and smc???i have 336 marks in fsc
sir duhs and smc ki closing %ages kia hain?plzzz tell me soon.i m waiting of you..your sites is a helpful and very updated site…keeps it up admin….
sir do you know what is the closing %ages of duhs and smc? Your site is the only site i think that is most up to dated site but nowadays whats happen?you are not replying fast….
Sir pathology k lia kitni % required ha or pathology k admisns kab sy staty hain??
sir i wanna apply i am from punjab can i apply and how to apply???
plz inform fee structure of bsc nursing and other bs programes after fsc 03017794188
Fee Structure is detail mentioned in the official webpage of DOW.
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sir plzzzzzzzzzzzz bta dayn lst time ktny % pe admission close huay thay?????
Last year merit close above 83% in DOW For MBBS and BDS.
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Assalamulaikum Sir,
Sir my name is Fatima and my domicile Zambia, Chipata.
Since i dont stay in Pakistan but i wrote my Grade 9 from there and i was the topper of my school but due to some circumstances I had to leave my Grade 10 midway and i continued my studies here of which i will write my Grade 12 exams soon..So do you allow student from abroad in your insitute for further studies in medical Science?
If yes then plz i wanted to know the reqirements and the processes for me to get admission in this institute?
Sir I really need help plz i would really appreciate if u would help me out because if i am to write any entry examination then i need to be there before time
And Sir after writing my results would be out around September or so..So if they are not before due date then what am i to do then??
Plz Sir kindly help me put
Thank u
Good day
I have sent you detail information regarding admission in MBBS through Facebook page of Entireeducaiton.
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sir open merit and reserved seat mn kya diffrnc h
sir open merit aur resev seat sy kya murad hy
Asalakmualikum. Can you let me know the proper fee structure of DMC.
ASSALAM O ALIKUM… sir i got 72% in hsc part I,what should i do now to get admission in DUHS? Please guide me
I have to do MBBS from DUHS
sir i have got selected in liaquat university of health and science (lumhs) and my provisional merit no is 10 but i want to study in dow ,sir what should i do …plx help me i will be very thankful to u.
how many students will be invited for open merit at Dow Med College on Dec 13, 2015?
13 december ko kia hy?
is there is any student who wants to transfer their admission from duhs to lumhs do let me know
Sir my domicile is of Sanghar,Sindh. And I am doing my inter(current) from Mirpurkhas Board, I already scored 84% in Matric(Mirpurkhas Board). And preparing well for Inter examinations too. Insha Allah if I score good marks, will I get admission in Dow for MBBS if I cleared the test too? And will it be a problem that my domicile is of Sanghar Sindh?
Actually I am way too worried further Dow is my dream University and I am preparing very hard to get admission in Dow.
please reply me asap:) Thankyou