IST is a university in ISB. This institute rank in Pakistan top universities. It’s motto is “Exploring The Final Frontier”. It was established in 2002. It is a government college. The President of this university is Imran Rahman. Institute lead in aerospace top universities. Fall admission 2014 recently held in college.
Merit List/Entry Test Result of IST
Entrance exam results will be updated soon…….!
- Islamabad Highway, Islamabad Pakistan
Phone Number:
- +92-51-9075100
I want to take admission in IST but due to some financial problems I didn’t achieve the required marks in HSC examinations.Is there any other option for elegibility in the entrance test like for (self finance).please do reply….!!
salam sir, hope that u r fine.
Sir i have score 61 n the test nd have 908 fsc marks, plz tel me am i eligble for admation or not.
Plz sms me to 03028862038
Please tell me when will ist ann0nce the 1st bs merit list????
Plz send me the bs merit list on my email….
Sir g my marks in fsc are 918 nd in nts 58 .my percentile is 77.90. Kia ist me mera mechanical me ho jyga. Plz reply sir. 03438729853
ii have an agregate of 72% … is it enough to get admission into ISt (electrical enginnering).. plz reply on 03146161246
Dear, I have not give confirmation for admission in BS Electrical Engineering but you agregate is too good and wait for merit where it is stand.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir i have 87 marks in NTS…so Can i get a confirm admission in mechanical engineering..?
yar electrical and mechanical engg. of ist are not recognized by pec.
It is recognized by PEC. You have to check the recognized list of PEC.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir my aggregate is 70.0553……… whether i am eligible for admission in mechanical or electrical engineering……?? please tell me soon……..thanks
Sir mara agregate 75 % bn raha ha. Kia ya electrical eng k liya kafi ha ?
Sir, what is the date of displaying first merit list.
sir assalam alaikm
sir my fsc marks are 840 and nts marks are 56 and percentile is 61.66
can i have a chance to get admission in the field of mech/elec/aerospace/
sir my num is 03317072061
Yes, you chance of admission in Mechanical, Electrical and Aerospace engineering.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir my O-level equivalence is 76.22%.I have 65 marks in NTS with 85 percentile.But marks in Fsc part 1 are 295.Is there any chance for me in mechanical and electrical engineering.
Yes, you have good chance for admission in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
835 in matric…
458 iN fsc..
73 in NTS..any chance in mechanicAl engg in IST Islamabad……
Yes, you have much better chance for admission in Mechanical Engineering. You aggregate stand in well position in merit. So, wait for merit list.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir, mry matric k 944 aur fsc part 1 k 471 aur NTS k 57 marks Han ………kia MRA admission mechanical aur eelectrical mei ho skta hy??? aur Aerospace mei admission k lye NTS mei kitny marks require Han???????? Plz mje 03087494761 PR text kr k bta Dan…….
Dear, your marks of matric and fsc was too good but NAT marks is low not bad. Its good it all depends on merit where it is stand.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
843 im matric
419 in fs.c part 1
66 in Nat with 87.4 percentile
any chance in aerospace and mechanical engineering???? plz tell i m worried about this…
Your marks is too good. But see the merit where it stand wait for merit list.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir do i hav a chance to get admission in aerospace engg in ist
sir i have 75% aggrigate over all kia enginnering ka lia itnay kafi houn ga plz reply im too worried about my admission
Waleed I have not give confirmation of admission. But your aggregate is good and let see where is merit is fall.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir merit list kb tak lagay ge ist my number is 03361536743
and yr nts percentile pr merit dependent hota hai ya nahi mere percentile 96.84 hai
sir plzzz ma na additional math ka exam dea hua ha waiting fr result……mra matric ma markz 945 ha nat ma 71 ha r fsc ma na phla premedical ma ki thi…..ab add math ka exam dea ha mra fsc part 1 ma 365 markz ha out of 424 ……..sir kia mra mechanical ya electrical engineering ma ho skta ha? r sir plzzz btae fsc ki jb % count kra ga tu kia mra part 1 ka obtained r total markz ma sa bio ka markz cut kra ga ya nae? obtaained sa cut kea tu total fsc ka markz ma sa b cut kra ga ?
If you apply on the base of Pre-Medical with subject of add maths than your result is display or declared of add math than you marks will be considered for admission in IST Islamabad. In addition, if you resutl is not announced than you marks will not considered in merit.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir my score in
Matric 70%
Dae mechanical 72%
NAT IE 57%
TOTAL %AGE IS 65.54%
Sir can you plzz tell me that when will be the first merit list will diaplay
And will it be uploaded on the website of ist or not
Plzz tell me at my cell# 03047877881
AOA!Just wanted to know what almost is the expected merit for this year. For Aerospace engineering I mean.Last year’s aggregate merit what i checked was something around 80.36.I myself possess an overall aggregate of 80.86 under my belt with 72 marks in NAT,468 in Fsc1 and 947 in matric! So?? Any silver lining or good news? I’d appreciate if u let me know. Thank u
Dear, Hassan you marks is too good for merit. But I have not give exact figure of merit where it is fall. So wait for merit where it is fall.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
mere nts me 50 or matric me 78% or 1st year me 70% hn kia muje engineering me dakhla mil sakta hy???
Sir I had submitted the admission form two weeks ago but i don’t received any message from ist
sir please reply me i m so confused
Sir please reply me???
sir mera agregate 66.4 ban raha ha kia mgy kisi b enginering field mai admission mil sakta ha in ist sir please reply
Dear Ali I have not give you a confirmation but let where the merit is fall.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir agar nahi mil sakta tou ngy nts mai kitna score karna chahiyae
You must score 75% marks in NAT Test for admission in all engineering fields.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir 75% marks or percentile?? kindly tell me via email……….
Sir my agregate is 75.5 plz tell me tha wether tbts good for electrical eng.. or not???
This aggregate is good for admission in electrical engineering. Let see where the merit is fall.
sir matric 926 fsc part 1 428 and nts 60 with percentage of 75 my total aggregate is 75 is there any chances in mechanical,mechatronics ! plz rply fast
Sir mera aggregate 67% ban raha hai.Do i have any chance in any engineering?
I have not give any confirmation but let see where merit is fall.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
what was aeso space last aggrigate ?
sir u sure merit will fall and do i have chance in electrical r mechanical with aggregate of 75 plz tell me sir
i am curious about the merit list of ist islamabad……whts date for it????
i am asking even its admissions r yet open ….
Sir , I’ve got 943/1050 in matric …… 402/520 in fsc part 1 …… And 72 in nts …… Plz tell me is there any chance to get admission in electrical or mechanical engineering…… Thnks …….. I have another question ….. As I have cleared my fsc with 826/1100 marks so plz tell me either my part 1 marks or part 2 marks will be considered for final merit ?? waiting for reply …..
Dear admin,
I have 81.81% in Olevels and 70 in NAT..and i want to go in Mech dept of IST..
Agregate is 74.57 something..Can I make it?
sir is it confirmed that merit will fall this year and when does ist first merit list be displayed
can anyone tell me what was the last merit of mech eng last year my num is 03361536743
yr can anyone plz tell me that last year merit kia tha
mechanical eng
electrical eng n
aerospace eng ka
plz plz plz help me im really worried for my admission
sir what is the merit of mechanical engineering…………. i got 72%in part 1 and my percentile in NTS is 74.09……..would i get admission in mechanical engineering in IST?????????
Sir meray matrix ma 74% Fsc part 1 ma 72% marks or nts ma 50 kia mera mechanical ma ho skta ha
sir i have 83% in matric an 70% in fsc part 01 and 60 marks in nts (nat) with 72 percentile. is there any chance of mine in ist in any department. reply fast i am very thankfull to you for replying fast as soon as possible.
49 nts score he kuch hoskta ??
Assalam o alikum..sir i have got 95 percentile in nts and my agregate is 79.2..i have 90% marks in matric and 78% in fsc..any chances in aerospace??? Sir when is merit list going to open??
i got 86% in matric ….. 71% in part1 ……and 85.25 percentile in nts ……. wold i be able to get admission in mechanical or electrical eng…….??
Sir,i’ve got 84% marks in matric,63% marks in fsc part 1 and 58 marks in NAT,Is there any chance to get admission in BS Space Science?
AOA sir my marks in metric is 917 and in fsc 414 in nat 58.overall percentage is 70%.have anychance to get admission engineering.any marks for hafiz sir plz tell me
Yes, you have chance of admission in IST Islamabad.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir! My aggregate is 81 and I got admission in material. But In 2013 the closing merit of aerospace was 80.7. Please inform me that am I able to get admission in Aerospace??
AOA sir,maray matric may 892/1050 aur f.SC may 419/550 hain aur nat may 55 kia koi chance hai kissi field may selection k??????plzzzzZzzz help me.
Sir i have agregate more than 76% but my name is not in any program in first n second merit list???
I have 77.90% in matric,68.36% in and 71 in nat IE is there chance for me in aero space or mechanical engineering
i am selected in bs space science .is it good for me
Dear, A very warm welcome to Entireeducation
Yes, this field is best for you.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir i have been informed through IST message that i have been selected in IST on provincial basis. now how i can find my selected position in IST? PLZ INFORM ME
Dear, you find you merit position from merit list which is display on website.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir i have 770 marks in fsc and 74 markz in nts and 97 percentile ….. can i have a chance in any chance
AOA Sir !! i’ve secured 938/1050 in matic,774/1100 in fsc and 69 in NAT with 90.5 percentile.Do i have any chances to get admiision in mechanical engineering in IST.Thanku Sir
Yes, you have much better chances of admission in IST Islamabad. But every year merit is totally different, so I have not give you confirmation regarding admissions. However, your marks is too good for better merit position in Mechanical Engineering.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir kindly told me test pattern for admission in undergratude(electrical engr)
Sir reply must
Nts 66 prcntile 86 can I get admission in aerospace or mechinical enggr
Sir my aggregate is 77.2 can I get admission in avionics at ist
Sir my agregate is 77.2 any chance in avionics and electrical
Dear Sir,
I have aggregate 71.69, Can I get admission in the material ?