Pakistani Universities are not much applauded in the internal education market. They are considered as a third world country’s education establishments which do not have a standard worth educating. They make such things which are suitable for the people who are learning about and gathering knowledge. This jurisdiction is taken very carefully and throughout the decade our higher education departments gas has taken charge to improve the liability of the state’s education centers. These manifestations are so much according to the decrees of providing a good hierarchy of learning for the students.
Due to these improvements and enhancements in the universities and other college or higher education sectors, one of Pakistan’s agricultural university is not considered to be among the best and top 350 universities in the entire world. Although it is a huge number but still a very great achievement for our green nation.
This has been all over the news lately that Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University is now among the top 350’s. While this news made an impact on the students, they became happier when they got to know that other 10 universities are also a part of this and have managed to do well in the ranking criteria.
In Rawalpindi, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University became known for its massive outbreak into the overall 350 universities. A few days before, a ranking was revealed for the universities. Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University and other 10 universities of Pakistan as well were ranked in the Asia Education Ranking. Vice-chancellor of the firm professor doctor Sarwat Aen Mirza gave appreciation to the faculty for their collective effort. He also encouraged the researchers (Students) and also the administration of the University. He stated that this is a great achievement and it is only done due to the betterment of learning and improving the campus’s standards and outcomes as well.