We have now Becoming one of the contributing cadet colleges in the country RCC is walking in line forwards as a specialized autonomous institution providing an all around education to the young enrolls of secondary and higher secondary levels paying significantly emphasis on co-curricular and extra-curricular pursuits. Rajshahi Cadet College aspires at imbibing the cadets with best levels of assurance providing sound mental and physical health, excessive spirit of ethical growth, command benefits and also complete advancement of personality.
Rajshahi Cadet College Admission 2022 Last date
Selection Procedure
- Authored examination (Bengali, English, Mathematics, General Knowledge and Intelligent Question (I. Q.).
- Viva Voce
- Medical Test
The assortment system of cadets for all cadet colleges is function centrally by Army Head Quarter (AHQ), consequently, all the applicants have to go through the same procedure described over.
Packages for Admissions
Self care offer primarily aspires at personality building. Cadet College Rajshahi involves and ensures in born commitment of the cadets, a well regimented life highlighting on academics flourishment and also becoming proactive by way of perseverance and beautifying life by co/extra curricular knowledge to provide their life a distinct colour, excellent flavor end result a sensible career in future..
Our Management Regarding Flow of Cadet Colleges
Mother nature has blessed RCC with her bounty of panoramic elegance adjoining the amazing academics building, enriched library with the huge selection of roughly 18, 000 books, Current well set up auditorium with current sound system, cadet’s Mess, a mosque with pleasurable architectural perspective, an administrative complex/office. Aside from, a gymnasium, tennis complex, canteen and snacks corner, swimming pool have also enriched the elegance and included new dimensions of current non commercial atmosphere to the life of Shahi Cadets and officers dwell here in the campus.

Along with all these infrastructures a museum with the huge collection of information of the Liberation war 1971 as well as the contribution of RCC family in the war; a Heroic Feet locating the sectors in Bangladesh during the Liberation war depicts the picture of protecting our motherland from different sectors.
After all, Rajshahi Cadet College Park and Picnic Spot has opened an opportunity of entertainment with the sweet breeze of Padma river.
Cadet colleges are directly supervised and monitored by Adjutant General Branch of Army Head Quarter.
Contact Us:
Located beside the Rajshahi-Dhaka highway about 27 km
South-East of the Rajshahi divisional city and 11 km South-
West of Banesshar.
Phone Numbers:
- Principal: +8807223-56088
- Vice Principal: +8807223-56005
- Adjutant: +8807223-56010
- Medical Officer: +8807223-56079
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Official Site: www.army.mil.bd/node/390
Founded: 1964
Type: Public