Now days the rise of inflation and increase in the rate of unemployment has made every person to think about his future and career. If the career you choose is right then it will bring a long period of comfort and satisfaction in your life. If the career you choose is not correct then it will bring a lot of problems and results in wastage of time and effort.
Q: Which Engineering Has Best Scope in Pakistan?
Many Field Have better Scope In Future
After HSSC many students in Pakistan are interested in engineering and want to start their career as engineer. There are many fields like mechanical, Electrical, computer and students are confused to choose which field of engineering best for me?. All fields have approximate same growth and scope. The only need is to choose field according to the present and future conditions. In Pakistan currently the job scope is more in Electrical and electronics engineering but Civil engineers are paid high as compare to electrical and Electronics engineers.
1. Civil Engineering
A branch that deals with the designing and making of substantial and mother nature that includes canal, houses, huge buildings, bridges on river and roads inside the country. Civil engineering is most broad and oldest field of engineering. It is very hard to classified the field of civil engineering.
2. Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering is the branch that deals with the design and making of tools, machines and other mechanical equipment. This is also very broad field. A mechanical engineer can be specialized in thermal, design and production engineering.
3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics is also one of the famous branch in Pakistan. It deals with electricity and related products. It has also a sub category that is telecom, which deals with the communication systems.
4. Software Engineering
Software engineering normally lies under the discipline of computer science. It deals with the making of software and OS for computer systems. In Pakistan this field is also growing very rapidly. In coming future it will also become one of the main branches like civil and mechanical.
Must See: Which University is Best for Software Engineering in Pakistan?
Ans: In Pakistan Civil Engineering and Software Engineering Has highest Scope In Future
All these fields are the branch of science that deals with the construction and maintenance of machines, devices and systems. It is sub categories in many fields like civil, mechanical, electrical, telecommunication, environment and software engineering. In Pakistan Scope of electrical engineering is more in job but in pay Civil Engineer are paid high as compare to any other fields.
how many marks we need in NTS to apply for software engineering in COMSATS
Minimum 65/90 for admission Software Engineering.
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sir my matric is 83%
fsc part 1 is 87% and i suppose to know that if i score 70-80 marks in nts then their is any kind of scholarship or fee concession in comsats islamabad?
F.Sc Marks :: 1046/1100 :: 95%
UET Test :: 329/400 :: 82%
at least u should get 80 percentile or 70 marks out of 90
i want to get admission in software engineering but i confuse which university is best except fast
Comsats is one of the best and leading university in Pakistan in terms of IT like Software Engineering. SO, I suggest you that after Fast you prefer Comsats Islamabad.
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sir can you plzzz tell me which field is more scope icma or acca..
ACCA is more better then ACMA. I will clear you a one thing that it’s ACMA degree offered by ICMA. ACCA is the degree which is acceptable in all our the world. Apart from this ACMA will not more preference then ACCA. So, Finally ACCA is the best if you go for this.
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Asalam o aliakum. I have scored 63% in fsc part one and i am improving my one subject as well. What is the merit criteria in fast can i apply in software engineering or in cs
Every year merit is different we have not ask you any confirmed figure of merit but it is close of 73%. If you have get good marks in entry test than you easily get admission in software engineering.
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in comsats u will have to score also 60 marks in NTS then you will got addmission easly
fsc part 1 marks 71%.matric 75%.if any chance in ist islamabad.
Yes, you have chance of admission IST ISlamabad. If you have get good marks in entry test. Than you chances of admissions is increased.
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Yes, you get admission in BSCS department but its all depends on merit. Every year merit is totally different.
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Sir i got 87%marks in and how many marks are required in NTS to get admission in Aerospace engineering from IST.
You must score 75% marks in NAT Test for get admission in Aerospace Engineering in IST.
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Thanks sir. Is there any chance of scholarship for me in IST.
Yes, IST offered scholarship for the deserving students. IST offered 3 types of scholarship one is 100%, 50% and 25%. So if you get good marks in Entry Test than apply for scholarships.
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Directorate of Public Instruction (Colleges), Lahore
The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund, Lahore
Punjab Information Technology Board
Education Secretariat (Colleges), Azad Kashmir
These are the scholarship offered by IST
sir mery dae ma 67% number ha kia ma civil ma mujy admistion mil sakta ha?
sir my nts marks are 55 out of 100 and percentile is 72.53 can i get admission for software engineering in international islamic univeristy aur nuces islamabad
Yes, Saba you apply for admission in both university. Fast is far most best than IIU Islamabad. So, finally you apply for both universities. Last Date of From Submission in Fast is 30 June 2014. Last Date of Form Submission in IIU Islamabad 15 July 2014.
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sir i got 63% marks in part 1st can i get admission in Air university.
Yes, if get good marks in entry test than you easily get admission in Air University.
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sir i am so confused about my carrier i got 829 marks in fsc now i improve 2 subject … which university i can got admission in bs accounting and finance plllllzzzzz help ….i am able to get admission?
UCP, IBA Karachi and Virtual University offered BS Accounting and Finance. You would assort one for study.
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I want to become civil eng . Can you tell me which uni is best for civil eng ….
Best Universities for Civil Engineering are as follows:
UET Lahore
UET Taxila
Fast University Lahore
Comsats Wah, Abottabad Campus
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which university is best for BS physics?
comsats sahiwal me BS physics n BS mathematics krwaty han?
sir which universities offered ba.llb hons in lahore???
sir my marks in fsc part 1 are 395 and in nts 52….can i get admission in any engineering university in Lahore?
Yes, Asif you get admission in Engineering but University of Lahore has not accept NAT Test for admissions. UOL conduct his own entry test for admission in engineering.
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Sir I have got 90% marks in Matric and 80% marks in part 1 and 65 marks in nat with percentile of 86 %
can i get admission in fast civil engineering
Yes, you apply for Civil Engineering in Pakistan University.
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sir I like both architecture engineering and software engineering but i am confused which one to choose. I’ve got 91% marks in matric and 88% marks in F.Sc I (pre-engineering). please help me which on has more scope and which one is good for me. also tell me that which other fields could be better for me. I don’t know that much about Universities, sites and such other things. I live near please tell me that in which university admissions are still open and in which field? please guide me and help me…
Both fields are finest at this present era. Software Engineering and Architecture Engineering. First if you review about the future of software engineering in Pakistan is not growing much better but you have skill of computer. Apart from this Architecture is far most best than software Engineering. Architecture engineering has growing future in Pakistan and foreign as well. So I suggest you that go for BS Architecture Engineering. This is one of best field after civil engineering. Best universities for BS Architecture Engineering in Pakistan are as follows:
University of Lahore
Superior University.
Currently Nust Admission is open but you apply with late fee to till 04th July, UOL and Superior Admission is open now.
Superior Admission Date till 16 July 2014.
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thank you very much sir for helping me and solving my problem…
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Sir, kindly help me.
is UCP conduting its own entry test? What is the fee structure for bs engineering programs in UCP? What is the last date of entry test for ucp?
Yes, UCP conduct his own entry test.
Fee Structure OF BS Engineering Program
Per Semester Fee Rs 1,20,000/-
Admission Fee Rs 20,000/-
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Hello sir!
I have got admission in comsats abbottabad in civil engineering , and im offered for mechatronics , electrical communication engineering in UET peshawar so im confused what to choose for myself. Kindly please tell me which university and technology would be better in accordance to its scope in Pakistan
Dear, Civil Engineering is also best. Mecatronics also known very good field in engineering. Electrical Communication Engineering. Best future in Pakistan is for Civil, Electrical Communication Engineering. But I suggest you Electrical Communication Engineering from UET Peshawar. Scope for Electrical Communication Engineering in Pakistan is good telecommunication and electrical this is too good.
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sir how many marks are needed in university of lahore entry test to get admission in software eng.?
You must score 75% marks in entry test for admission in UOL Software Engineering.
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Dear, Fast Electrical Engineering is best scope in future. Specially in Dubai and other developing countries. Each engineering field give you good job after experience of minimum 5 years. Engineering when completing his degree not find a good job in his 3 years after degree but skills, knowledge and abilities will change your life in minutes. Apart from this if you want to change your field then Petroleum engineering is one of the best field in engineering. So, I suggest if you want to change your field then move for petroleum engineering. Many oil and gas companies offered better job placement. Specially, in Dubai, Abu Dhabi high salary packages should offered to petroleum engineers. But in last if you have skills and abilities then you easily get job after Petroleum engineering.
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Sir my fsc marks 68% and nts comsats mi civil engineering mi admn milay ga.
Dear, every year merit is totaly different when merit is final then you see your status.
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i got 75% in, so what field is best for me… nd i interested in civil engineering.. but kia civil eng ki demand out of country ma hai kia..???
Yes, waleed civil engineering is one of growing field in Pakistan and foreign as well. You go for Civil Engineering the most superior field in all engineering.
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what is last date for apply?
Last Date to apply for which course in which university?
sir,what is procedure foe apply and plz tell me what is last date for apply?
Sir I got 70 marks in NAT and my aggregate is 75.966 can I get admission in aerospace engineering in Ist
Yes, you get admission in Aerospace engineering. You score is good for admissions.
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Which uni is best in punjab for engeenring ???
There are so many universities like UET Lahore, NFC Multan, BZU, Punjab, NUST, GIKI
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Sir my Fsc-1 score is 73% and metric score is 77% and nts score is 60 what is my chance of getting admission in comsats for software engeenring and how much i have to get marks in nts for securing admission in IST ??
Yes, you have better chance for getting admission in Comsats for Software Engineering. Every year merit is totally different so we not give any exact figure of merit.
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FSC-1 73% Metric 77% nts score is 60 is there any chance in software engineering comsats(islamabad) and how much minimum number is require for securing admission in IST ??
You check the merit list where it should be fall.
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Salam Sir !
For admission in IST how much marks in NTS are required ???
For Admission in IST you have 75% NAT.
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I have 70 marks. Do I have a chance ??
Let See
Sir which enginreeg is best in furture
Dear admin plzzz tell me the 2nd merit list of CIIT uploaded or not plzzz reply me as early as possible.
Dear admin please tell me 2nd merit list of CIIT islamabad uploaded or not.please tell me as early as possible.please help me sir
sir how to apply for admotion in comsats and fast now…………
Dear, both universities admission are closed now for 2014. You apply in new admission of Comsats Spring 2014 and FAST Fall 2015.
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Assalam o Alaikum.
Sir plz help me.
Sir mene computer engineering karni hai to ap bta dein kon c uni best hai ya konsi university karwa rahi hain.
or sir mene gcu lahore mein apply kia hua hai.or uet lahore mein.
Kia ap bta sakty hain ke comsets sahiwal ki degree best hai ya phr gcu lahore ya NFC multan….plz reply me as soon as possible…
For these three institutes NFC Multan and Comsats Sahiwal known best. But best university in Pakistan for computer engineering is FAST and after this UET Lahore. So, it’s your decision either you go for which university.
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Thanks sir .
sir kindly ye bhi bta dein ke BSCS best hai ya Computer engineering.
Actually mene computer engineering karni thi lekin hamary reletives hain wo keh rahy thy ke is engineeringbka koi faida nahi ap BSCS kar lo.
which enginering program is best at hitech university taxila
electrical enginering or mechanical enginering
Electrical Engineering is best then mechanical engineering in HITEC University.
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Dear Admin what is difference between Electronics and Telecommunication engineering and in Future INSHALLAH which one will be most demanding.
Electronics field is much more different from telecommunication field. But in future Electronics field is best than telecommunication field. Telecommunication is also best but electronics is known best in future. Electronic Engineering is vast future in electronic field which include new electronic invention day by day. So, you have good job placement in electronics field. Finally, I suggest you to go for electronic field either than telecommunication. Last its your decision.
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Assalam o Alikum
I have got admiison in Bs Electronics Engineering in MAJU uni ISLAMABAD. Plz tell me about its scope . Aur yai bhi bata dain ky agr scope nai hai tu mujy program change krwana chahiye ya nai . Plz reply zarur krna
BS Electronics Engineering has a good and very vast scope in future. You don’t change your field. This is known best in electronic field. In future you field some good job placement in electronic companies of Computer, laptops and TVS also others. This is one of the major field and growing electronic business in world. Electronic is the field which lead world. So, Finally I suggest you never change the field and hope for best with your skills and knowledge.
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Thanks for your reply
ap kr reply sy mera cinfudence kafi incease hua hai
which course is best?
im confused
Dear, you name the course then I will guide you.
slam,sir g i am a sajid khan i have my mcs from AWKUM and got 3.34 gpa can i get admission and your comsit uni islamabad and how i get schlorship in the comsits uni islamabad
Yes, you get scholarship on merit base. Comsats offered many scholarships to the needy students. You apply for admission and get scholarships.
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Sir mere metric me 71% aur fsc 76% marks hn mujhe konsi university me admission mil sakti hy aur mecahnical engineering ke scope k bare me thore se info de aur mujhe mechanical me admi mil sakti h??
Dear, you apply for Mechanical Engineering in Wah Engineering College and HITEC University.
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Sir i like petrolium enginering i m from kpk which university u suggest is the best i got 73% marks in fsc and 77% in matric
University of Punjab is known best and UET Peshawar if offered this course.
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Can u please tell me about petrolium its scope and universities in pakistan
Petroleum Engineering is one of the finest degree in engineering. Many Oil and Gas companies of Pakistan and Foreign countries prefer the student who have graduate in Petroleum. This is best field in engineering currently now. So, I suggest you that petroleum engineering is best for you. This is only degree which give you high salary packages at start round about 1 lac. So, if you have skills then go ahead. Many jobs in Dubai for Petroleum Engineering.
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dear.admin plzz tell me that petroleum engineering is best of one that all engineerings..? and also tell me how is civil engineering..?
Both engineerings are known best according to their scope. But Civil Engineering is much better scope than Petroleum Engineering. Due to the fluctuation of oil prices in international market. Several multination companies defined and face saviour problem. However, Civil Engineering needs the experience to get job which pulls you in supreme future. On the other hand, Petroleum engineer got a high salary package if found the job in reputable institutes. Its depends on your interest, but in future civil engineering is growing field than petroleum .
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Assalamualaikom warakhmatullah sir i want to take admission in CS but then i am confused that which one has the best scope not in pakistan but in saudi arabia amoung the Computer Software And Mechatronic
Also please guide me on this regard that is UET Mardan good for Software Engg?
Yes, dear UET Mardan is also good for software Engineering and Mechatronic as well. Both fields are good software Engineering and Mechatronic. Both degree as its own importance in future.
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ma na matric ma 77% number lia hain ap bata sakta hain is lhaz sa mara lia engineering ki kon ci fild best raha ghi
thanks if you tell me about us
Dear, you proceed you study in Pre-Engineering then after this you go for Petroleum Engineering, Civil or Mechatronics. Select from all three but Petroleum is best then all three.
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ASSALAMUALAIKOM WARAKHMATULLAH,Sir please guide me which field of engg could have high for the next 4-6 years in asudi arabia.
Please guide me on this regard i shall be very thankful to you.
In Next coming 4 to 6 years Petroleum and Civil Engineering is known best in Saudia Arabia. But Petroleum Engineering is far most better then Civil Engineering. Because Civil Engineering is much better scope in Dubai and UAE other states. So, I suggest you Petroleum Engineering, good future with attractive salary packages.
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Hello to all please tell me the future of Telecom and Electronics which one i wanna choose?
Both degree are best but electronics engineering is good scope then telecommunication engineering. Electronics engineering is good and bright future in Pakistan and other companies as well. Student having electronics Engineering get good job in many electronic companies like Samsung, Sony, Intel and also in foreign countries with your great skills. So, Finally i suggest you for electronics engineering.
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Sir please tell me which field is best for engineering if i want to stay in Pakistan???
You stay in Pakistan then software Engineering is known best for you.
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Sir electrical and software engineering… which one i choose from both of these ???
Both fields are too much different. Electrical and Software Engineering. But I suggest you a Software Engineering if you apply for this then should be good future for you. You should do you independent work.
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Thanx… Sir tell me top 3 universities for Software engineering and thier fee criteria as well…
Thanx … Sir which university is best for software engineering ???
Thanx… Sir tell me the top 3 universities for software engineering and thier fee criteria as well…
For software engineering which universities are best???
hello admin
i have done my engineering in telecom from uet peshawar and i am jobless for the last one year. what should i do? any advice?
Dear, my advice is that to you that you apply in telecommunication companies and find job of any designation not looking the salary. You just find a job once find a job then get experience and should apply in foreign. Hope you understand my statements.
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Sir which engg is best scope in future in Pakistan, electronics engg or software engg??
Electronic and Software Engineering both are best dear. Electronic Engineering has good scope in Foregn but software Engineering has much more better than electronic engineering. So, Finally I suggest you software Engineering.
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Sir my matric marks are 89% and fsc marks are 87% and i want to do petroleum engineering from UET lahore. Plz tell me how many marks must i take to secure my admission?
hello admin,
sir, I have got 71% in matric and 77% in fsc part 1eng from aku board. Now I am confused to get admission in same engineering field but please tell me about engineering fields and their correspondingly top universities for them.(and that field should have scope in pakistan and abroad). I will be very thankful to you for my guideness and really need guideness.
According to my piont of view Petroleum Engineering is one of the best from all engineering. This engineering has much better scope in Foreign and Pakistan as well. Best university for Petroleum Engineering is Punjab University. Chemical Engineering and Electronic Engineering is also good if you can’t go for Petroleum Engineering. Petroleum Engineering has good job placement in Oil and Gas Companies and giving you a good salary package.
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sir i got admissin in maju in electronic engenring plz sir tell can i take admisn there or not.
And electronic eng have scope in future or not ?
Electronic Engineering is one of good field and bright future in Pakistan and other world as well. In addition electronic is only field which give some new creation and explore some new horizon for you. If you have good knowledge, skills and abilities in this field then you easily get good job in best electronic companies of the world like Samsung, Apple, Sony and much more. Finally, proceed your study in Electronic Engineering.
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Sir And one last thing that I ask to you that If I get admission in electronics specialized in Computer system engineering then tell me that is good then the BSCS…
Thank you so much…
sir i hve got adm in comsats but i’m still confused to go with CS OR ELECTRICAL computer engineering .can u plz guide me which one is better for me…..
I suggest you Electrical Computer Engineering this field is best and good then BSCS. Electrical Computer Engineering is best because this degree has reveal some new concept.
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Sir i got 73% n want to take admission in ned so will it be possible to take aission in computer engineering
Yes, it possible for to get admission in Computer Engineering. Your marks is good for computer Engineering.
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sir i got 81 percent marks in fsc part 1 can i get admission in quaideazam uni for BS there nts require for taking the admission?
Dear, For BS Electronics NAT Test is not required.
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SIR please guide me I got my name for computer engineering in comsats islamabad should I take admission or wait for Islamic university where I applied for mechanical and electronic engineering whose merit list will be held on 5th of sept
sir also tell me which engineering earn more from these three computer mechanical or electronic engineering?
Eachs single engineering has best scope in future but computer engineering is far most better then all other engineering.
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sir i want to know which engineering is better in uet Lahore 1)mechanical 2)civil Also i got admission in mechanical eng in nust H-12 sector…..should i move there plzzz rely
Civil and Mechanical Both are best. But I suggest you to go for Mechanical Engineering from NUST. This will be better for you.
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aoa sir main apnay career k baray main kafi confused hun sir ap say ya ponchna or confirm karna ha k computer engg.,soft engg and computer science main sub say best field kon c ha jis ka currently or future main scope ho in pakistan and abroad… plz guide me
Computer Engineering and Software Engineering both are best field. If you get admission for Computer Engineering in UET Lahore or FAST then this is best for you. If currently not then go for software Engineering. Software Engineering is renowned field in IT new concepts and technologies with the passage of time. Software Engineering in which you independently do your own work. Finally, Soft ware Engineering is best if you cannot get admission for computer engineering in FAST or UET Lahore.
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sir private sector main university of lahore kaisy ha??
University of Lahore is one of best university in private sector. Faculty of UOL is skilled and professional will teach you. This is best choice for the student to study in Private Sector University
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sir i want to do mechanical tell me which is better uow or uoL?
Both are so good But University of Lahore is far better then UOW.
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Honorable sir, my son has passed HSC II Examination with 83% over all HCS part I and HSC part II percentage is 78%. he is confused regarding future pls let me inform which engineering is best ME, CE, for Pakistan and abroad and which institution is best.
I suggest you Chemical Engineering is best if your son is interested in this field. This is one of the best field in engineering. Future scope of chemical engineering is Large multinational companies of Medicine and much more. So, Finally chemical engineering is known best for your son. Best University in Pakistan for Chemical Engineering is University of Punjab, UET Lahore, NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad and Comsats Lahore Campus.
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University of Agriculture is best then GC University Faisalabad. Top leading university in the world in the field of Agriculture. So, Finally UAF is best.
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are minning has scope in pakistan. tell me sir
Yes, Minning has good scope in Pakistan. This is great field of Engineering.
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I have got admission in electronics engineering in MAJU and i have also got admission in material emgineering in IST.I don’t know that which should i accept???plz tell me that should i accept the admssn or apply next year in mechanical and if i accept admssn then which is better material engineering in IST or electronic engineering in MAJU
Dear, Material Engineering is best for you from IST. Material Engineering is one of finest degree of future.
Scope of Material Engineering:
Materials engineers are involved in the development, processing, and testing of the materials used to create a range of products, from computer chips and aircraft wings to golf clubs and snow skis. They work with metals, ceramics, plastics, semiconductors, and composites to create new materials that meet certain mechanical, electrical, and chemical requirements. They also are involved in selecting materials for new applications.
Finally, I suggest you Material Engineering from IST.
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I’m doing A level’s from Beacon House School System in Pre-Engineering.I am interested in Mechatronics.What is scope of such engineering in Pakisatan & what grades I have to get to take admission in any best university.
If you want to apply for Mechatronics then its good and bright future in Pakistan and foreign as well. Best universities for Mechatronics in Pakistan.
UET Lahore
AIR university Islamabad
College of E & M E NUST Rawalpindi
There is a lot of scope of Mechatronics Engineering in Pakistan as it incorporates the ideas of electronic and mechanical engineering into one entity and covers those areas of engineering which is concerned with the increasing integration of mechanical, electronic and software engineering into a production process. It takes the principles of electronics, mechanics and computing a design a simpler and more economical system.
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which engineering is the suitable most for girls in pakistan?
Software Engineering is best for girls in Pakistan.
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i wanna join uet lahore and it isn`t offering software engg..what about mechatronics? moreover m a chemistry student so i dnt wanna carry computer science in future ..
Yes, amna Mechatronis is also good and top leading engineering of future. So, if you have not interested in IT field then don’t be panic regarding this. Mechatronics is having good scope in future in different companies. So, Finn ally go for Mechantronics.
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If I have to choose between Comsats, UET Peshawar, and NFC Faisalabad (Uet lahore), which one would be best for the electrical/electronics engineering. Your much-needed advice shall be highly regarded. Thanks.
For Electrical or Electronics Engineering UET Pehawar and UET Lahore is knwon Best. But form all these UET lahore is best for Electrical/Electronics Engineering.
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sir i given uet lahore test my aggtegate is 62. can i apply uet taxila for software engg. i m 4m kpk. plzz detail
Yes, you apply for UET Taxila for Software Engineering.
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sir, please tell me the last year merit of electrical engg, gc uni lah! my agregate is 73%. please also tell me the scope of telecomunication engg! also weather i should choose mechanical or electrical engg in contrast with present day circumstances! waiting humbly for your kind reply
Last Year merit of Electrical Engineering is not remember. Telecommunication Engineering is good and wide scope in future. Increasing demand of Telecommunication services in the world may give a new horizon to telecommunication engineering. Secondly Electrical is best then mechanical Engineering. Finally, if you interested for telecommunication engineering then go ahead otherwise go for Electrical.
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I’ve got 76.9 in Fsc and 89 in matric.Which is a beeter option
Food engineering (NED)
Material engineering(NED)
Metallurgical engineering(NED)
Textile Eng(NED)
or Software engineering from Karachi University (UBIT)
Has Food engineering a good scope in coming years,here in Pakistan?
All Engineering fields are good. But it’s all depends on your interest that you select which field for you. In addition, Food Engineering is good and best field.
Scope of Food Engineering:
Good engineering is a combination of science, microbiology, and engineering education for food and related industries. Food engineering includes the application of agricultural engineering and chemical engineering principles to food materials.The prospective major employers for food engineers include companies involved in food processing, food machinery, packaging, ingredient manufacturing, instrumentation and control. Firms that design and build food processing plants, consulting firms, government agencies, pharmaceutical, and health-care firms also hire food engineers. Hence if you are interested in this field please do go ahead. Finally, if you interested for this then select this. Apart from this Textile Engineering is also best but place in 2nd Priority after Food Engineering.
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Sir i got 80.7% in HSC(PRE-ENGG). And i want to take admission in NEDUET. from last merit list i can take these engineering fields as i mention here.. So what should i take ?? Please guide me in detail
1. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
2. Electronics Engineering
3. Telecommunication Engineering
4. Automotive Engineering
5. Computer science & Information technology
6. Civil Engineering
7. Textile Engineering
Form all these engineering Electronics, Computer Scienc & Information Technology and Civil are best.
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sir i am confuse which engineering is best for me architecturing or software and which uni is best i got 80% in fsc part 1 and in uet entry tst 31.5% so should i get admission in uet
For Architecture Engineering University of Lahore is best. Architecture Engineering is best then software Engineering. NUST University also best and Superior University as well.
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civil eng is best for girls?
No, Civil Eningeering is not best for girls. For girls Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Electronic Engineering are best.
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admin mechatronics also na??? or should i change my mind to electronic? 😮
sir mera admission comsats main ho gia tha software engineering main M.A ..but main ne wahan admission ni lia….and now m thinking of doing the same engineering from uet taxila…so is that good or not ??? coz mujhe us waqt ni pta tha ke comsats best hai SE ke lie…I mean uet ka naam/level bohat zada hai as compared to comsats!!!
waiting for ur reply….
Sir my F.Sc marks are 87% and my agregate for ECAT is 76.706 can i get admission in PU for Petroleum?
Yes, you have much better chance of admission in Petroleum Engineering.
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I want to get admission in petroleum engineering but due to difference of 5 marks i will not get the admission in PE but now according to me if i prefer electronics to industrial engineering than what admin suggest?
After Petroleum Engineering both degree are best which you are mentioned
Electronic Engineering Scope in Pakistan:
The major driving force for the present day Information Technology revolution is the development in Electronics Engineering. The advancements in microelectronics, satellite and optical fibre technology, analog and digital in communication techniques have resulted in developing complex electronics devices, circuits and equipments capable of implementing fast and efficient telecommunication systems. Real time transfer of audio and video signals is now possible with recent trends in broad band technologies. Penetration of electronics has now revolutionalised other areas like health care, instrumentation, automation, remote sensing, signal processing…
So, I suggest you electronic Engineering.
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sir main ny matric main 76% and fsc pre-engineering part 1 main 73% marks hain kia main bs IT main ya software-engineering main admition lon………….plzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me…………
Both Degree are knwon best BSIT and BS Software Engineering. Basically BS IT is related to Networking Field and Software Engineering is related software for new companies. So, I suggest you software Engineering is best if you chose this field.
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architecture engineering or software which one is best for girls?
which field is best for girls ? architecture or software engineering
which field is best for girls ? architecture or software
I gonna to take admission in fatima jinnah uni and in jinnah uni only three field are available for engineering that is software, computer science and IT and plz tell me which field is best for girls and any other uni in which admissions are not close so plx me… ?
From all these engineering BS IT is best related to networking. Secondly Software Engineering is also but I suggest you BSIT.
Universities which currently admission open for BSCS
Superior University
GIFT University
Punjab University BSIT
Bahria lahore Campus
BZU Lahore Campus
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my daugheter got 76% in F.Sc, how much percent She should require in NTS to get addmission in NED.& which one is the best field for girls, Archetechur,Medical Engineering,Bio medical engineering,software ?
From all these engineering Architecture Engineering is known best. I suggest you Architecture Engineering one of the finest engineering for girls. Secondly if you were not interested for BS in Architecture then go ahead for Software Engineering in 2nd priorty.
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Sir I am going for software engineering from comsats … sir please tell when admissions open in comsats and can i give nat test before admissions or when admissions open.
which engineering best for girls software or architecture engineering ? and in which uni admissions are still open for both these engineering
Which engineering is best
Aerospace in IST or mechanical or civil in UET
plz reply
Dear, pleasent welcome to Entireeducation
Civil and Aerospace both are best fields. Both degree has good future in Pakistan and Foreign. So, according to your interest you selec one field from these two.
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plz tell me only one which is best and its scope in pakistan. I want to do aerospace engineering from IST but my uncle urges me to do mechanical, electrical or civil from UET. Plz guide me and tell me best one
Civil Engineering is best if you select this field. In upcoming day Civil Engineering is better scope in Pakistan and Foreign as well.
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plz tell me only one best engineering and its scope in pakistan.
I want to do aerospace engineering from IST but my uncle urge me to do mechanical, electrical or civil engineering from UET.
plz help me and tell me which is most best
sir i got admission in mechanical eng is this field is best if i study from cecos university peshawar???
Yes, this field is also best and good.
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Sir which has more scope in Pakistan.
Bs in Computer Science from Fast or Bs in Mechanical Engineering from Uet Lahore
Dear, BSCS from Fast University is best as compared to Mechanical Engineering form UET Lahore. IT field is best if you interested in this field. BSCS is one of the finest field. So, I suggest you to go for BSCS.
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I got 79.45%in hssc can i get admission in ned for mechnicalll engineering
Yes, you get admission in Mechanical Engineering but every year merit is totally different. You aggregate is good but let see where merit fall.
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Sir i got admision in ucp mechanical engineering and in case islamabad in electrical enginering …. Which university should i choose ??? I am very confuse plz guide me i have no issue with ME or EE i am woried about university?? Which is good??
Dear, Case University is far most better then UCP. I suggest you Case University for Electrical Engineering this is one of finest university in Engineering. Faculty of CASE University is qualified and skilled. So, without wasting time go in CASE University of Electrical Engineering. Best of Luck.
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sir what about mechatronic engineering..?
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary course comprising mechanical, electrical and electronics components and computer control. This course creates opportunities for wide stream of jobs in various organizations. Experts say that future mechanical, electrical; computer and IT engineers will have to deal with Mechatronics. Research and development potential in Mechatronics includes areas such as space technology, especially in the wake of use of robots for space exploration. Many consider robotics and Mechatronics as closely linked. You can take up a BE (Bachelors in Engineering) after you finish your diploma. Apart from this, if you have a good academic record, you also have the option of applying to IT companies. You can also look for a job through job sites like, newspapers, placement consultants, or through your own networks of friends, relatives and colleagues. You can also apply directly to companies through the Careers section of their official websites. Best of luck
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sir,,, i got 69% aggregate in pre eng,[ + entry test ]am not interested in computer related fields,, so pls guide me,, where nd what i do
If you have not interested in Computer Fields. Then there many other good field which has bright Future in Pakistan and Foreing as well
Petroelum Engineering
CiviL Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
But I like Petroleum Engineering because this field has best scope in future specially in Oil and Gas Companies. Finally, dear I suggest you for Petroleum Engineering.
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i am doing telecom engineering from CIIT
what would u say about telecommunication in pak.
This field is better scope and good future in Pakistan. There are so many telecom companies operated in Pakistan. In future the growing business of telecommunication may lead new opportunities for you. Finally, Telecommunication Engineering from CIIT is best and good for your bright future. Apart from this your skills and knowledge will give you strength in market for good post.
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Sir i want to know that..,.. In which uni admisions are open still
Currently admission will be open in Following Universities;
University of Lahore till 20 Sep
Superior University till 22 Sep
UMT till 18 Sep
NFC Multan
University of Sargodha
University of Gurjat
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sir comsets civil k liy best ha k ni…plz guide
Comsats is also best university for Civil Engineering.
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sir i am intrested in physics so plz tell me which engineering field is better for me
Yes, this field is better and better future in Pakistan,
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Asalam alakom
Sir mujay software ma iqra aur absyne 2no university ma admission mila han
Plz sir ap mujay bata dae kon si university best han software kaleay
Campus islamabad ya peshawar
In these two universities Iqra University is best for software Engineering.
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Sir g plz tell me which one have more scope in pakistan. Charter accounting or civil engoneering
Both degree are known best but Charter Accounting need more hard working than Civil Engineering. If you have good in maths or accounting subjects than I will recommend you to go for CA. However, if you not have good grades in these subjects than straight away proceed your study for Civil Engineering. Finally, both are known best but I have you clear picture of both degree and decision is on your.
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Sir kindly tell me about that which has more scope in Pakistan. BS in COMPUTAR SCIENCE From FAST BS in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING from NUST. BS in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING from UET
Dear, all degree are good for BS in Computer Engineering form FAST is much better and give you great future in IT. This is finest degree as we compared with others. So, I suggest you to go for BSCS from FAST.
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Sir which has more scope in Pakistan.Bs in Cs from Fast or Mechanical engineering from Nust or Mechanical engineering from Nust.
sir i have got 58% marks in intermediate… now want to continue engineering but my score is not that much good for endineering… do i have chance for thif any field in engineering and if i have that chance than which university will be the best for this? after NED….
Yes, dear you apply for BS in Electrical Technology this is updated field then electrical engineering. Dear, you apply for this program in many universities.
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Sir kindly tell me which is better University for Bs in Cs.Fast or Nust or Giki or Uet lahore
Sir kindly tell me which is better University for Bs in Cs.
1 Fast
2 Nust
3 lums
4 Giki
5 Uet lahore
FAST university is best for BSCS form all other universities.
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I got admition in both electrical and mechanical engineering in UMT but now I am confused which engineering to select.can you suggest which engineering has more scope in future.
Dear, you select Electrical Engineering for good futre. Electrical Engineering is best as compared to mechanical. In upcoming days electrical engineering demand as increase now. So, Finally I suggest you Electrical Engineering for bright future.
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Sir i want to become a food engineer from NED university
Plz tell me about the scope of food engineering in pakistan regarding the getting of jobs and pay scale plz
Food Engineering is a good field and has best scope in Pakistan.
Job Opportunities for Food Engineering:
Agricultural provincial and federal government departments
Research organizations
Multinational and local Food industry
Public and private sector food testing laboratories
Food regulatory and certification organizations
Food authorities
Colleges and universities
Small business development agencies
Dairy development sector
Hotel industry
Food ingredient suppliers
Consultancy firms
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Sir I am confused between Cs or Electrical engineering.tell me which is better?
Hello to all of you guyz i am student of bachelor i wanna know that between electronics and telecom which one is best means the future of telecommunication engineering and electronics engineering? Reply me
Dear, I have guide you regarding this Electronic Engineering is best.
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i am so interested in civil and architectural engineering but scope of electrical very more.what i do?
Dear, If you have select degree from these then Architectural Engineering is best from all these engineering. Architecture engineering is better scope then all others engineering. So, Finally I suggest you for Architecture Engineering.
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sir i got admission in electrical in IST chemical and electical in UOG mechenical in UOS and also i have an other opotion of dual degree in comsats plz help me which one is best i have very short time to select one of these
Dear, Qamar I suggest you to go from Electrical Engineering from University of Sargodha. Faculty of UOS Sargodha is skilled and qualified from UET Lahore. So, Electrical Engineering from UOS is best for you.
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sir 57% agregate am intrast in or which university admission in this technology
Dear, you will apply for many university in Pakistan for B.TEC or BS Tech.
Superior University
Preston University
University of Sargodha BS Technology
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Respected Sir
I took admission in Aerospace engineering at IST but due to lack of interest and adjustment in Islamabad I droped it. Now I am planning to do Bs Electrical Engineering (electronics) from CIIT as I have interest in Electric. It is a dual degree program. Do Comsats degree has worth?
Or suggest me some good universities as I dont wanna waste a year
I have scored 85% in Fsc.
Dear, Farhan if you get admission in Comsats for Electrical Engineering then you will select a perfect way for you. Degree from COmsats will have worth in the market. Secondly, if you have skills and abilities then you easily get job in market. Finally, there is no need to change the university you will contineu your study in Comsats. Good Luck for good future.
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assalam o alaikum sir, sir i am really want to know that is it textile engineering technology is good or IT.please tell me also that which university is good For BS IT.Sir I am also selected in BS TEXTILE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY at NTU Faisalabad.Is there any scope of this field.
Mechanical or Electrica,l Sir, which field have good scope in Pakistan .
Electrical Engineering is best for then mechanical engineering in Pakistan.
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sir i was intrested in electrical engineering..but unfortunatly/fortunatly i m selected in electronic engineering in iiui wd scholarship….what do u thnk about my career in electronic? is iiui is the right place for doing electronic eng???
Dear, if you selected form Electronic Engineering then this is also a good field and best for you. Electronic Engineering is vast scope in future. Your career will be in good way. So, study Electronic Engineering with positive mind, gain skills and abilities and then go for good job placement in future.
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Sir me telecomunication and ndtworking ma admision kia hai cecos univsty peshawar me kia telecom acha hai???
If you want to study Electrical Engineering from Federal Urdu University then it’s also better dear. Faculty of this university skilled and qualified. Basicall, in market you skills and knowledge is prefer as compared to the name of the institutions. Finally, study in Federa Urdu University is best for you,
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Sir is civil engineering best or Mechanical enginnering for future?
For Future Civil Engineering is best.
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is industrial and manufacturing engineering from uet rechna campus is beter than chemical from comsats lahore or from uog
I’m Confused;Can u tell me Telecom Engineering From UET Taxila is best or Mechanical engg. from NFC Faisalabad???
Plzzzz… Reply Fast
Dear, if you go for Telecommunication Engineering from UET Taxila then it’s best for you. Telecommunication Engineering is good scope in future in Pakistan and Foreign as well.
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asalam alakom sir
sir ma iqra university peshawar sa bs software engineering kar raha hon.ab ma islamabad migration karna chata hon 1st semister k bad kya ma migration kar sakta hon?agar kar sakta hon to konsi university ma aur kya ya teek kar raha hon
Yes, dear you will go for migration but each university has different rule for migration. So, you will confirm regarding migration from Iqra University Admission Student Affairs Department.
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is bs cs is beterrr than telecom n computer engenering???
Dear, Uzair both fields are totally different. BSCS is completely linked with Computer Sceinces and Computer Engineering is different. So, Computer Engineering is best then BSCS. Computer Engineering has renovated degree in future with increasing demand of networking.
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Pakistan mein sab se zyada kis filed ka scop hai. It mean k knsi filed best hai k ap ko sure ho k ap is k bad kisi stage pr zaroor phnchen gai.
like as! BSCS ,BSSE, BS Mass comm, BSIT, BS Economics & Finance, BBA etc
Dear, All fields has best scope in Future. But BSCS, BS Software Engineering both are best fields. Secondly, if you want to go on management field then BBA is also best. But I have suggest you to go for software engineering if you previous qualification is related to IT.
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Sir I have got 76 percent marks in Fsc pre Medical
Now please suggest me which field is best for me…..
And Tell me that I.T Bs have any scope?
What kind of jobs opportunities this feild have.?
How much Math contributions in it?
which 1 have more scope in pakistan telecon or computer engenring??
Dear, Uzair I have suggest you a Computer Engineering is much better then Telecommunication Engineering. If you have good computer skills then go for computer engineering one of the best field of IT ever. Future of Computer Engineering is bright if you have skills and work good for companies.
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can i do softwhere engenering after fse engenreing??
Yes, Dear you will apply for Software Engineering after FSC Pre-Engineering.
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Sir mea ap sae yeh pochna chatah hou kae ek automotive engineer ki Pakistan mea kitni salary hosakti hai
The average salary for an Automotive Engineer is Rs 402,447 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 10 years in this career.
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Asalam o Alikum
Sir there is only one government uni i.e NED offers automotive engineering in Pakistan . I want to know how much government universities which offers automotive engineering except NED
This is one of best field through which you design vehicle, cars and trucks. This degree has better and future job position in Honda, Toyota, Sazuki and other multinational companies in Pakistan. Finally, the future is found to be a good for this engineering.
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fast islamabad ki civil engeniring kesi ha??
FAST Islamabad not offering Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering is offered by Lahore Campus and this is best engineering faculty of FAST.
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how many marks we need in NTS to apply for electrical (power) engineering in COMSATS
and sir which engg is best in these 3
3.electricl power
please reply mee
Dear, Civil Engineering and Electrical Power is best engineering if you select from these. But Electrical Power Engineering is much more better future.
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Chemical Engineering kaa kia scope and salary hai aur ziada tar students especially girls kis engineering ko prefer krti hai.
This is one of best engineering from all engineering. Girls mostly prefer Software Engineering but if you interested in Chemical Engineering then this is one of the best field if you go for this. Chemical Engineering has best scope in Future. Job placement for Chemical Engineering are in medicine companies and specially in other solutions. So, Finally if you go for Chemical Engineering then its good for you with salary package of 50 plus starting.
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fast islamabad spring me open hti h?? n woh softwere karwa rahi h n kesi h softwere waha ki??
FAST Offered admission once in a year.
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Sir i am confuse in either choosing civil enggneering or chemical engg.. And sir plz give me some information about universities in KPK facilitating chemical or civil enggneering..
Dear, both degree are best but Chemical Engineering is far most best the Civil Engineering. Chemical Engineering is difficult and highly concept base. Chemical Engineering is good job placement in market. Then I have suggest you for Chemical Engineering.
List of Universities offered Chemical Engineering in KPK:
Chemical Engineering Universities:
UET Peshawar
Civil Engineering Universities:
Sarhad University
CECOS University
UET Peshawar
Ghadara Institute of Science and Technology
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Thank u sir for this information.. sir kindly let me know what are best universites offering chemical engneering in pakistan..
Sir does comsats abbottabad offers chemical engineering if so is it of good standard?
Comsats Abbottabad not offered Chemical Engineering.
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tel me about the scope of electrical computer engenering from comsats?
This Engineering is best and perfect job position in Future. Electrical Computer Engineering is the combination of Computer Subject with Electrical Engineering. So, the new renovation degree has give you a best job opportunity in Future. Finally, go ahead for this degree with positive mind.
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Telecommunication Engineering is also good scope in future. But if you interested for this then go ahead. But if you get choose from Electrical and Telecommunication then I will suggest you Electrical Computer Engineering remarkable degree from comsats.
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Sir kindly suggest me some good universites for chemical engineering in pakistan.. Thanks!
Asalam o Alikum sir
I got it 76.09% in hsc board and passed the entry test of NED so I am admit in any field of NED which offers b.e
Sir.i have got 79.6% in matric and 67% in fsc part-1 can i apply for nust n giki and how should i do prepation of BE mechanical enginering for there entry test?if i did’nt get admission in these universities so which university u should prefer for me in BE mechanical ?Sir i am seriously curious about my future so reply me soon as much as possible 🙂
Yes, you will apply for admission in BS Mechanical Engineering. You need to get good marks in entry test. For entry test preparation you need to purchase Colleges Books
College Physics
College Chemistry
College Maths
College is the company which offered three books. Apart from NUST, GIKI there are also best universities which offered BS Mechanical Engineering.
University of Lahore
University of Wah
International Islamic University Islamabad
Air University islamabad
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thanks sir!for ur kind guidness 🙂
Sir,i want to ask about which section is much imp in maths portion for entry test of nust
Physics, Chemistry and Math all three subject is important for entry test good score.
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Sir I have got 55% in hsc board plzz tell which field of enginerring is best for me an I am interested in mechatronics which university is best in pakistan. …
For Admission in Engineering you must have 60% marks in FSC.
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Which one is better computer engineering or software engineering
Computer Engineering is best from Fast then Software Engineering.
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And if not from fast then?
If not FAST then?
Sir how much cgpa for heC need based scholarship ….is this scholarship is dependent in GPA
If you want to apply for HEC Need Base Scholarship then HEC will highlight your expenses of home. Apart from this after offering scholarship you will need to stable your CGPA at 2.7.
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Which field has good career in Pakistan?
BS Mechanical engineering from Nust
BS(CS) from FAST
BS Mechanical engineering from UET lahore
All Degrees are known best. But BS Mechanical Engineering from Nust is far most better then all. If you get admission in BS Mechanical Engineering in NUST then its good for you. Otherwise go for BSCS from FAST on 2nd priority.
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Which Is better specialization & has greater scope in Pakistan as compare to other in BE Electrical :
Dear, Ameer if you go for specialization in Power then it will be best option for you. Power is best and give a good chance in the market.
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Sir please tell me which university is best known 4 mechanical engineering or petroleum engineering in Pakistan and plz tell me the semester fee of must
Nust* university
BS Petroleum Engineering is far most better then BS Mechanical Engineering. Petroleum Engineering has better job opportunities in Pakistan and foreign as well. In addition, Petroleum Enigneering Degree has high market demand in Pakistan and specially in Middle East Countries.
Fee Structure:
Admission Fee Rs 35,000 one time pay
Security Deposit Rs 10,000 one time pay
Semester Fee RS 75,000 for first semester and Rs 70,000 per semester
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Sorry spelling mistake semester fee of must university
I have reply your question.
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Sir plz tell me the semester fee of nust university
You want to know about the Semester Fee for which program.
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Which is Better specialization & has greater Scope as compare to other in BE Electrical:
Sir what university we should choose if we want to do petroleum engineering???
i get 81per marks in 1st year i am interested in electrical mechanical and software engineering which field is better for me
I suggest you to go for Electrical Engineering.
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and also guide me about engineering universities which has less fee or which are giving scholar ship because my father can’t pay too much fee
First, you apply for ECAT Test conducted by UET Lahore. I have mentioned list of Public Universities which is affordable for you
UET Lahore offering HEC Need Base Scholarship
UET Taxila offering HEC Need Base Scholarship
BZU Multan offering Hec Need Base Scholarship
UET KSK offered HEC need base scholarship
Comsats Islamabad offering Need Base Scholarship
University of Sargodha
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sir which engg is best now and in future in pakistan.and in feorign
Petroleum Engineering is one of the finest degree according to current situation. This degree has best job opportunities and appealed salary packages offered in Pakistan by Oil and Gas Organization. In addition, better job scope in Middle East Countries.
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sir what is difference b/w electronic and electrical engineering and which has better scope also guide me about lums is lums giving any financial help and is the degree of lums is valueable and what is the pay of an electrical engineer
sir what is difference b/w electronic and electrical engineering and which has better scope also guide me about lums is lums giving any financial help and is the degree of lums is valueable and what is the pay of an electrical engineer can i go abroad for job after doing this engineering
how to register for sat in lums is passport compulsury for sat
SAT Test Janaury
Test Date Jan 24, 2015
Registraiton Date Dec 29, 2014
SAT Deadlines for Changes Jan 13, 2015
SAT Test May
Test Date May 2, 2015
Registraiton Date Apr 6, 2015
Apr 21, 2015
SAT Test June
Test Date Jun 6, 2015
Registraiton Date May 8, 2015
SAT Deadlines for Changes May 27, 2015
How to Apply for SAT
You will apply through this link for SAT Test in Pakistan
The only acceptable form of identification is a valid passport with your name, photo, and signature.
You will register for LUMS SAT throuhg LUMS Official webpage. Above I have detailed regarding how to register for SAT Test in Pakistan. Deadline for LUMS Sat score is 24 Jan.
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sir plz reply my question fast because i really need your help is passport compulsory for sat registration and what is the process of sat registration
sir,i have done fsc pre-medical and now preparing for additional math paper..iwant to ask u that whether i should do civil engg or biotechnology..plzzzz help me i am confuused..
Dear, Umer if you go for Civil Engineering then it should be highly good for you.
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Which university is best for petroleum engineering????
UET Lahore is best for Petoleum Engineering.
1. UET Lahore
2. Mehran UET, Jamshoro
3. NED university, Karachi
4. Balochistan university of IT and management sciences
5. Petoleum Engineering.
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How many number of seats uet Lahore offered for Karachi students in petroleum engineering ???
petrolium engenring k lyee konsi uni opn ha is wkt??
Currently, admission are for Petrolium Engineering has been closed in universities. Admission for Petroleum Engineering has been announced in month of June/July 2015.
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electrical telecom from comsats kia scope ha agy iska?
Yes, this field is also better scope in future in Pakistan.
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sir is pertroleum engineering good for females?
Yes, Petroleum Engineering is also good and best for females.
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is there any scope for girls in pertroleum engineering?
is NED good for doing this?
Yes, this field is also very good for females. NED is also good university for this degree.
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Sir pls tell me that elctronics or chemical which one is goodfor girls and what is difference between electrical and electronics and girls get job in petroleum easily or not
Which field is good in dawood for girls
Yes, Dow is best for Engineering and currently two engineering has high scope in Future.
Chemical Engineering
Petroleum Egnineering
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Electrical Engineering is further go for specialization in Power, Wind and Thermal Electrical field. On the other hand Electronics is related to all Appliances like LED TV, and all electronics thing like computer laptops and all necessary things. Electronics person should be hire by Samsung, Nokia, Apple and all other Electronic Companies. Electrical Engineering is hire by Engineering companies for the production of electricity. Finally, Chemical Engineering is best from all engineering and get more jobs then others.
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Dawood university is gud for which engineering for girls
Yes, this university is too much better from all other engineering institute in Karachi.
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Lhr mn kn kn c universities spring admxn opn krti h…??
In Lahore spring admission announced by many universities:
Cosmats Lahore
University of Lahore
Superior Unviersity
UMT Lahore
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dear sir, i have got 73%marks in matric and 70% in fsc part 1. can i get admission in nust islm..
Yes, you get admission in NUST Islamabad if you get good marks in NUST Entrance Test. Your entry test marks will give you a good position in merit.
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which university is better for engineering NUST or UET?
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sir tell me plzz i got 57 percent marks in fsc now i have two options 1 software eng and 2 bba now which one is best??
plzz tell me 6 months hogay mjsy decide ni hora..
Dear Malik Sharyy, Software Engineering is far most best then BBA at this present senario. Software Engineering is degree in which you have work independently and setup your own software house. If you have pleasent skills regarding IT then you will king in this field. Apart from this if you go for BBA then its management degree and after BBA you will hire by the company at very low salary package. In addition, Software Engineering is far most best then BBA. Finally, my brother choose software Engineering either you go for BBA. Software should get high salary packages if he/she should have great knowledge, skills and abilities in Atomic Energy Commission, Pak Army, Pak Airforce, Pak Navy. Hope for best.
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sir numl universty islamabad mei software eng ky adm spring to spring season open hoty hai ya fall mei bhe open hty hai or software numl uni ki ksi hai?? zada best numl hai ya iiui uni?
Both Universities offered Software Engineering programs in Fall/Spring Season. International Islamic University is best then NUML according to faculty.
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sir now in islamic uni isb ad open or close?
Admission will be close from 31 Dec.
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Dear sir my bro got 65% marks in bsc double math phy is he eligible for petrolium engineering or civil n which private sector university have minimun fee for it
Dear, Rizwan your brother will eligible to apply on the base of FSC marks not apply on the base of BSc Marks. If he has 60% marks in FSC Phys, Math, Chem then he should eligible to apply for Petroleum Engineering.
In Pakistan currently 6 universities offered Petroleum Engineering:
1. UET Lahore
2. Mehran UET, Jamshoro
3. NED university, Karachi
4. Balochistan university of IT and management sciences
5. University of Punjab
6. Dow College of Engineering
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sir my sister got total 83.4% aggregate from UHS last year but was unable to get admission in any government MBBS university or medical college,could u suggest any good medical college for MBBS of government so where she could be selected
please suggest some name in Rawalpindi or Lahore or rahimyar khan or multan …
In Punjab all Public Medical College merit should be selected through UHS. So, it’s very difficult to find out Public Institutions which is not fall UHS. Secondly, if you apply in Bolan Medical Quetta then you have chance but admission will be closed now for 2014. Finally, Federal Medical & Dental College is the only institution which is fall under Federal Government when admission announced then we have updated on the website.
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are their any chances that fmdc would get their ban removed …should we take risk for our sister to get her admission in FMDC or would this university be closed in near future.
In near future it should be possible to get admission open in Federal Medical & Dental College. But it’s not confirmed.
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sir do you have any information about NCA I mean about fee structure or courses which are NCA offering and tell me how to register for nca 4 year fashion designing program is fashion designing is a good field i am fsc pre eng part 2 student and i get 81 percent marks in 1st year and i am a girl now i want to change my line from science to fashion desgning you plz guide me which line is more better engineering or fashion designing i am interested in electrical mechanical software and electronic eng but i also have a lot of interest in business of fashion designing and event management now i am very confuse about my future
National College of Arts is a superior college for those who have passion of Fashion Designing. You will be confuse in many fields Engineering Fields and Fashion Designing as well. If you go for fashion designer then you will get good placement in market with your attractive sample or designing. If you go for Engineering field then it need much more hard working very best job placement in future. Finally, in Fashion Designer you will survive at market if you have creative mind and give good designing sample to the people. Actually, Fashion Designer is best for you if you go for this field. Finally, I suggest you to go for Good Fashion Designer in future.
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sir mei bht confused ho mery marks fsc mei 59percent hai mje software eng mei adm milta hai ap kia maswhwara day gy mei improvemnt krky apny marks 60percent kro or telecom eng mei adm lu ya software zada best hai??
Software Engineering is much more best then telecommunication engineering. Telecommunication Engineering is not much more good scope in future. Jobs in market for Telecommunication Engineering is very rare. I have suggest you to go for software Engineering. You will easily get admission in following universities which I have list down on these marks:
Comsats Islamabad
International Islamic University Islamabad
Nust University
Riphah Islamabad
Finally, don’t go for improvement go ahead with positive mind and proceed your destination towards skillfull software Engineer.
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AoA! Sir, I have got 516/550 (by the grace of Allah) and will InshaAllah get near a total of 1030+/1100 in Matric (from Punjab). I am planning for Civil Engineering. Can you please guide me that how many marks in fsc are required and which institution is best for Civil Engineering.I am from a middle-class family so , can you tell me if that university/institution offers any scholarship?
Thank u! Waiting for your reply.
W.S Your marks in matric are so good and very helpful in better merit position. You need to get good marks in FSC as well. You will apply for admission in following universities which are as follows:
NUST University
UET Lahore
UET Taxila
These universities are also offered scholarship.
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sab se best engenreing kosi ha scope wise pak me n usy kis kis uni se kia jay [plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz rply
Yes, tell me question how can I help you?
sir i have got 82% in matric and 77% in intr part1 in ICS (phy,math,computr) which univrsty is best 4 software engineering what is the semstr fee and requiremnts 4 scholarshp of any best univrsty of softawre eng
I have recommended three universities in our last comment. Fee of each university is different. All universities offered scholarships for needy students. So, you will apply for admission in these universities in Fall Intake 2015.
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Sir i have got 82%marks in matric and 77% in inter part1 i want to do software engineering in which univrsty i should go and can i get scholarship plzzZzz reply me fast
Best Universities for you to get admission in Software Engineering are as follows:
Comsats Islamabad
NUML Islamabad
International Islamic University
If you gets good marks in entry test then you will easily get admission in these universities. These universities also offered HEC Need Base Scholarship for Needy students.
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sir tell me the scope of agricultural enginering in pakistan and abroad??
Agriculture Engineering is very vast scope in Pakistan and Abroad as well. Basically, Agriculture Engineering seek to work out in fields. So, it includes many departments in which agriculture engineering fits to works and implemented his plans for better agriculture in Pakistan or other countries as well. After completion of degree job placement for agriculture engineering relies in Government Sector, Design and other sectors of Agriculture. Finally, Agriculture Engineering has endless jobs if you good concepts regarding all portion in Agriculture. In abroad you will go for after experience of minimum 2 years. Go ahead for this degree and hope for best. Good Luck.
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sab se zada scope pak me kis engenering ka h??
In Pakistan currently three engineering known best:
1.Chemical Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
3. Petroleum Engineering.
I have suggest you these three engineering ranking wise.
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mery 75 per marks han fsc me n 80 in matric kia mera uet lahore me petroleum me nam a skta h n ajay toh kar lon???
Yes, you will go for Petroleum Engineering if you get admissions. Petroleum & Gas Engineering is one of best engineering field from all others.
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ist ki best engenering konsi h is wakt??? n civil bs civil krwa ri h ist??
I have replied your comment.
ist ki best engenering konsi h is wakt??? n bs civil krwa ri h ist??
Bachelor of Science (Aerospace Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Electrical Engineering)
These two engineering are known best offered by IST Islamabad. Secondly, CIVIL Engineering is not offered by IST Islamabad. Both engineering I have mentioned above has a good scope in future.
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AoA! Sir, I have interest in both chemical and electrical (power) engineering so which one is the best and good scope in Pakistan as well in foreign country.I complete my F.s.c in 2014 and got 76% and in matric 67% due to some problem I can’t take admission in 2014, Now i want to take admission in this year and plz sir tell me the list of top 8 university which doing this engineering I am really need your guide because I am from skardu (siachan) I have no any body to get good guide. Plz sir I am waiting for your reply thank.
Sir Help me i am confused About Computer Engineering,Software Engineering and Electronics Engineering Which One is Bettter From BAHARIA UNIVERSITY Karchi
Dear, Zeeshan its depends on your interest I thick you will go for SOftware Engineering from Bahria University Karachi. This degree is known best and very helpful in future for who have skills if you interested in IT. Because IT is much more complex and want to much hard working on computer codings. Apart from this, if you are not go for IT than go for Electronic Engineering. Finally, decision is yours either you go for which field.
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For architecture can u please tell me the criteria for Nca lahore
and comsats isb m kitna merit h Arct ka?
For Admission in Architecture you must have 60% marks in FSC.
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Which uni is best for Arct??
NUST University is known best for Architecture.
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army k long n short course ki detail bta den after fsc
After FSc you will eligible to apply in PMA Long Course. Secondly, you also apply for Engineering Core.
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Superior university is best for Aviation, Engineering Programs and For IT. In Medical Superior is also getting prominent rank. Superior is university is best in Quality Ever.
Superior University rank good in Aviation Field most than Engineering and IT. Aviation is one of renowned field and there are lot of opportunities in future.
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tcc long course kb ay ga?
Nca m test dyna hai entry m kitne % lyna zaroori hai ?
sir aoa civil eng sargodha uni ki kasi hai and kb adm open hogy bs civil eng ky sgd uni mei and eligibility criteria kia hai ??
Civil Technology is offered by University of Sargodha. You must have 60% marks in Fsc for getting admission in UOS.
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and sir abi jo GD piolet course commision ae hai isky liay fsc mei kia percentage honi chaheay
Minimum 60% marks.
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sir assalam o aliakum
sir comsats lahore or comsats islamabad mein koci uni… software engg.. k liye best hai….
Mere 608 marks ha pre medical ma muje kia krna cheya.kon c university ho business ka lea Jo expensive b na ho.
If you have passed FSC Pre-Medical than if you have interested to go business field. Than best universities for BBA are as follows:
Haily College of Banking and Finance
Lahore School of Economics and Finance
Bahria University
These are known best universities
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how much marks needed for architecture engineering?
If you want to get admission in Architecture Engineering than you need to obtained 80% marks in FSc and Entry test both for reputable university.
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sir mery 627marks hai i want to do bba which universty is best for bba in islamabad and rawalpindi
Best universities for BBA in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi are as follows:
Bahria University Islamabad
FAST University Islamabad
International Islamic University
Riphah International University.
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thanx sir now in these universties admission open?
Admission open in the month of June/July.
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please tell me which one is best?
1) textile engineering from NTU-fsd
2) Food engineering from UAF
Textile Engineering from NTU-FSD is known best field for you. Future of textile engineering is very broad and you have lot of opportunities to groom himself in this sector. Finally, I suggest you to go for Textile Engineering from NTU-FSD.
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sir is Textile a good field for girls?
sir i have now matric pass. in which board best for engering fsc. my marks in ninth is 308 out of 525 in federal board i was confiused tha which board i chose fasilabad board or fedral board
iam waiting for your reply….
Federal Board is known best if you continue your study for FSc.
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thank you
sir if i got less marks in fsc with fedral board than my merit is no to apply an engenring collage than out of pakistan which country is best for engenring and scope in engering..?? iam waiting for your reply…
sir fsc main agr nmbr thoray agy tho pre engenering main tho agy phir board ko daikhthy hain ya nmbr? agar pakistan merit na bna tho pakistan sy bahr kn c country best ha engenring k liay?
Sir, i have 951 marks in matric and 830 marks is Fsc,Can i secure my admission in UET? how much marks do i need to get in ECAT test to make sure that i get admission into any kind of engineering from Uet?
i don’t decide that i select whose subjects
ics or fsc engeenring
plzz tell me whose field is best for me
If you proceed study for FSc Pre-Engineering than it’s good for you in future because FSc Pre-Engineering leads to lot of options in BS. Alternatively, ICS student only appear for IT Degrees and other science subjects degrees. Finally, I suggest you to go for FSC Pre-Engineering with positive mind.
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sir after fsc bba kr skty han and engenering zada better ha ya bba??
If you go for Engineering than it’s better for you. But it’s depends on your interest engineering is quiet tough than BBA. If you feel ease to proceed study in engineering than go ahead.
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i got 73% marks in fsc pre engineering then ab men next kia kr sakti hoon i am so confused and please tell me k bachelor in accounting men kon se subjects hote hain or kia men bachelor in accounting k lia apply kr sakti hoon or kese please bta den
Yes, you can eligible to apply for BS in Accounting. Fall admission expected to announce in the month of June/July.
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Salam sir, can you please tell me which university is best for Electrical engineering? and is Mechanical dept of Karachi NUST good?
NUST known best institute for Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
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sir,nts ki tiyari kily koi books hoti hain ?ya fsc ki text books sy mcq,s aaty hain
If you well prepared the FSc Books than you can easily pass the entry test.
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Which options does a women have after doing F.Sc pre-engineering? Please do tell me while considering the employment chances in next 5 years.
Best Engineering Field for Female and having bright future in next 5 years:
Chemical Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Electronics Engineering
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AoA !
Well…. i am a little confused… which one do u prefer like Mechanical or civil engineering ?which one has more scope both in Pak and abroad ? and which University is the best NUST..LUMS…UET or some other ?
ThanKs ! Looking forward to ur reply
Dear, if you go for Civil Engineering than it’s best choice for you. Civil Engineering is known best and give you a good future in Pakistan and Abroad as well. Secondly, NUST and UET both are known best for Civil Engineering.
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sir I got 74% marks in part !. Now I get admission in IST????
Yes, you can eligible to apply for admission in IST Islamabad. You need to obtained good marks in entry test. Currently, admission announce in IST. Admission dates updated on the website.
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i have done my diploma in chemical engineering i have got 70% marks in dae chemical engineering i wish to get admission in bsc chemical engineering kindly guide me which university will more suitable across pakistan in my situation.
sir i got 447 marks in engreening) part 1 and i want to get admission to UET LAHORE which engreening is best for me and what should b my target???????????
Chemical Engineering is known best in future. This engineering has vast scope and quite different from all other engineering’s. Finally, I suggest you to go Chemical Engineering. Which has best scope in Pakistan and Abroad both.
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sir bba kia h r k bad grls ko knsa profession join krna chahiya jis m grls easyly job kr sakain please guide
It’s all depend on your interest. But Management and IT these two fields known best for girls.
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Sir which is better?
BsCS from Fast Lahore
Bs Mechanical engineering from Uet Lahore
Bs Mechanical Engineering from Uet taxilla
Secondly I cannot understand that in which field Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science ,I have more interest.
What should I do?
I am very confused……
Sir i want to get admition in comsats islamabad in BS(SE) .
N i have 49.27 marks in fsc (pre eng). Sir is it possible or not if it’s possibl then plz guid me… I’ll be thankful to u.
please tell me about the scope of telecommunication enggineering in pakistan and all over the world.
sir now in szabist islamabad universty bscs admission open or not? and iqra universty ki software enginering kasi hai ?
Sir I am doing a govt job in Courts… i want to study BSCS ? which university will be better for me ? Virtual university , virtual comsats, or weekend classes in BCS through Bzu ? and what will be my worth ? i am a web developer with PHP MYSQL ? kindly reply
What about BS in MECHATRONICS in future??
Sir me karachi se ho mene isi saal matric pass ki he or abme college me admission le raha ho or sir mera chok tha pre-medical ka lekin mene matric computer science se ki es waja se me pre-medical nai lesaka sir ab me soch raha ho ke pre-engineering lelo mager sir me aage future me is se kya bn sakta ho
sir mery D.A.E civil ma 67% number ha kua mujy civil ma admastin mil sakta ha?
Sir, I got 71 marks in Nts and 82 % in fsc and 79 % in matric.
Can I get admission in mechanical engineering in ist?
sir i have 78% marks in matric and 66% in fsc i have 83 marks in nts nat 93 in NET and 51 in air university which is out of 100. im living in islamabad, so kindly guide me which is best option for me , priority wise bta dn kindly , 1 ,2 ,3 4, etc kar k . electrical or mechatronics from air uni civil from ciit wah electical from ciit isbd bscs from fast electical from fast ?? mechanical from iiui, and which is the best option between ciit wah civil and fast bscs ??? me ne suna hy k civil ka scope ,merit acha hy ,par ciit wah achi uni nahi hy is k ly , etc etc if it is good option then would go for it , please guide me , from all aspects, future,salary,good education,grooming, etc
Although civil engineering has best scope in future due to CPEC impact in Pakistan. And you ask for salary or future, in my opinion future based on your skills related Civil. Firstly try to understand what you can do? civil or electrical or BSCS. Than i will suggest you best university related program.
I got 90% in fsc part 1 which uni is best for me after appearing ecat & nust test if i clear both test uet is best or nust is best?
sir plz tell me….
Sir my matric marks are 864/1050
Fsc 808/1100
Nts marks 59..
Kia mera comsats wah mn admission ho jy ga civil engineering mn..?
Assalam u alikum
sir i have passed metric and i am confusing to go in which field pre-medical or pre-engineering plz tell me what can i become after choosing medical and engineering
I have 65 per marks in part -1
Can I apply for NET-1?
Please prefer me engineering field in UET or Nust
ASSALAM O ALAIKUM! I have got 86% in fsc part 1.I want to know about scope of architectural engineering in Pakistan and other countries. what are the jobs opportunities? Which university should be prefer for architectural engineering?
How many marks for NTS to apply for software engineering
Obtain Minimum 50% marks.
Currently i am studying electrical engineering at nust seecs..but i want to change my field ..i am confused between civil and chemical..and also between nust and uet lahore….can u give me any suggestion?.that can help me..thanks
I think so civil engineering is best although chemical engineering has the best scope due to Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. After BS Chemical Engineering apply for MS in Pieas university to join Atomic Energy Commission
Civil Engineering demand tuff time to be a success. As compared to NUST UET Lahore is best for both degrees.
sir is there any scope of textile engineering technology from NTU Faisalabad or IT is good.I am interested in IT please tell me which university is best for IT in govt sector
Sir which engineering has best scope in pakistan civil or mechanical engineering.I want to do civil engineering.Is it better than mechanical engineering.
which uni s best for mechanical engineering?